Chapter 17- Prankster On Loose

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Chapter 17- Prankster On Loose



Actually, it's been a week since Leslie was gone, and I think she's having problems on where to sleep, what to eat, and what to do. Yeah, I missed her, but I guess it's still fun being with the trio.

But there are still downs being with them. The trio treated me like Leslie, and so it was like I replaced Leslie. And that's pretty lame.

It was hot, and I decided to take a cool bath. So I turned on the blue tap, which water's the cool one. After the bath tub has been full with cold water, I started to take a dip in. Noticing there were no crazy sounds, I started to relax. A lot.

The next thing I know, there was a huge spider, staring at my brown eyes. It was BIGGER THAN JUSTIN'S HAND, Oh my god!

I knew this prank! It's probably made up by the three.

"J-JM! J-JJustin! K-Kerby! I'm gonna get you for pranking me with a huge ALIVE spider! When I.. come out of here!" I squealed.

I started to freak out, starting to get out of the bathroom, and I acted like there was a murderer trying to chase me, and so I tried to open the door. And I can't. I started to wrap myself in a long towel, trying to get out. I just can't wear my worn out clothes all over again!

Suddenly, there was a scream that came from the outside, and it wasn't me! I bet it's Justin's girly voice. And I noticed I left the door locked, and so I unlocked it and went away like a tornado. Good thing I was saved by that door! 

And, holy coconuts! Justin went freaking out like a girl and he went to Kerby, who is sitting at the couch, playing a Sims video game using Playstation 2. Kerby, who is a little bit busy, ignore Justin, who is explaining what happened why he totally freaked out. He was about to open a lid of can saying "EAT ME" when worms started to jump out of his face! I started to giggle, but then there was something wrong.

The T.V went blurred, like the T.V connection went wrong and suddenly.. there was a well in the middle of a forest. Kerby started to get puzzled, and Justin just stared at it.

Then, a hand started to arose, and came a girl who had her hair covering her head, and it's pretty creepy! Finally, the girl jumped out of the T.V screen (like a 3D or.. 4D.. maybe) and scared us, and I headed to the boys' room. 

Guess what I saw? 

JM had like, his eyes are going to pop out of their sockets, and I immediately asked him what's going on. He was speechless and I immediately noticed what he's staring at..



I started to get JM out of the room by grabbing his arm and running away, and quickly headed to the living room, founding Kerby and Justin running down the halls, screaming like girls, and being chased by a monster--the.. SADAKO! And this house surely is haunted after all. We gotta get the hell outta here before we go mad and get to the nearest Mental Hospital we know.

The screaming went even louder and louder. These are driving me nuts!! NUTS, I tell you! I better find a nut cracker then.

Dashing back to our room, I carefully went and locked our door (so I can be safe and sound), but, unfortunately, there was a girl, and she was sitting at a corner beside my cabinet. I started to tap her shoulder and say politely, "Umm.. excuse me? Do I--" and before I could finish, the girl faced infront of me.

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