Chapter 2

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As we finished our dinner, we cleaned up our mess and relaxed a bit. I grabbed a monster from the fridge and sat on Jakes bed."I don't even know why I let you drink that. That shits bad for you "he said sitting next to me."It's so addicting. It's like juice, but more carbonated" I explained. "Gross" he said"Try it"I said."No! I don't wanna die"he said I rolled my eyes."Whatever"I said taking another sip."You're gonna love cc. He loves Monster also"he said. I smiled. "Tell me about them. Are they nice or are they gonna be total asses to me?" I asked."They're nice and welcoming. Especially cc. He'll give you the biggest hug anyone can ever give you. I have to warn you, Ashley's a bit a perv so he might wanna flirt with you"he said."Ew"I said."Jinxx is very quiet and shy, so he won't bother you much. Umm... and Andy is very... I don't know how to explain him. He's a different kind of person.

He recently went through a break up and he's taking it very hard. He's been depressed a lot lately. We all have been very worried"he explained. "What was her name?" I asked."Juliet. They have a few tattoos of each other"he said."Like us"I said. He has my name on his arm and I have his name on my wrist. He nodded. "I feel bad for him. He's done everything for her and she broke his heart" he said."W-What did she do?"I asked."I don't know. Andy won't talk about it. He would always stay in his bunk and only leave when he has to preform"he said."Poor Andy"I said. He smiled. "It's getting late. We should go to bed. Tomorrows gonna be a long day" he said.

"Okay. Goodnight Jake" I said kissing his cheek."Love you "he said." Love you too"I said. I slept in the room where Jake slept whenever him and Ella(Jake's ex-wife) fought. He helped me paint it and change the room a bit to a colder atmosphere. They walls were black and had some of Jake's old guitars. I changed into an over sized misfits shirt that was once Jake's. Most of my stuff were from Jake just because  I really like his stuff. I took a quick shower and changed into the clothes. I was thinking about dying my hair blonde or black. I got under my black cover and rested my head on my pillow. I put my phone to charge and switched off the light. Soon sleep took over me and took me into my nightmares.

                                                      Hey guys!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Sorry if it seemed a bit short! I need to new ideas. Comment what you guys think I should do! If you are still reading then you are a awesome taco!! Don't forget to share, vote, and comment!!
 Song is Carolyn by Black Veil Brides~~~~~~~

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