Chapter 7

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"Sorry about him. He's very protective" I said. He didn't respond to me. All he did was look down at the floor."Are you okay?"I asked."No. I made a commitment to myself, but all it did was get me in trouble"he said."What was your commitment?"I asked. He sighed heavily. "I thought you were gonna do the same thing like Juliet did. You Pretend you like me, then you just break my heart. You just don't understand the pain I'm feeling"He said. Aw Man. She broke him badly. He doesn't trust anyone anymore. I put my hands on his cheek."I know what if feels like to feel broken and not to trust anyone anymore because you feel like everyone is out to hurt you. I know how it feels to be in the shower and start to cry out their name so no one can hear you. I know how it feels to wait until everyone falls asleep so you can fall apart. I know how it feels!"At that point, I was already crying.

I felt him wrap his arms around me giving me a hug."I'm so sorry"he said. I couldn't answer him. The feelings were hitting me hard."Shhh. It's okay Alex"he said. I calmed down and stopped crying."I'm sorry"I said.''No. You don't need to apologize. I pushed you to it. I'm the one who should be saying sorry"he said. I smiled."I'm sorry"he said."It's okay" I said.

I took a quick glance at his lips. What I would do just to kiss him. What would Jake think? I snapped out of that thought."I'm gonna go with the rest"I said. He sighed. I just ignored him and walked to the other room with the rest." Alex! Are you okay?! Did he hurt you!?"Jake said worriedly. He put his hands on my cheeks checking if I was okay. I giggled."I'm fine Jake"I said. The guys laughed behind us."I never knew there was a side of Jake that was so...adorable and caring"Jinxx said."She's my little sister! Of course I have to be"he said.

"Jake. I'm fine. You can let me go now" I said." Oh. Sorry. Do your wrist hurt?"he asked. I shook my head in reply. "I'm okay" I said."Sorry" Jake said. "So what happened?" Ashley asked."He doesn't believe that I'm gonna keep the promise I made to him"I said."But you always keep your promises"Jake said."I know. Juliet messed him up bad. He doesn't trust anything or anyone anymore"I said."What did you promise him?"Jinxx asked."I promised him that I would never hurt him they way Juliet did and I will always be there when he needs me"I said."You're right. He is messed up. She got into his mind and she destroyed him"Ashley said."Yeah. He used to trust everyone and he used to help everyone . It was never the other way around"Cc said."What are we gonna do?"Jake asked."All we can do is try to get his trust again and give him all the love we can"I said."Okay. It can't be that hard"Cc said."Oh trust me Cc. It is. It wasn't easy to get Alex to trust us"Jake said. I laughed."I remember when I bit you really hard because you tried to drag me out out of bed"I said.

"Oh yeah. I think I sill have the scar",he said checking his arm,"Yep. Still there"."Sorry about that"I said."Sure you are"he said. I giggled.

So how are they gonna help Andy? Whoooo!! Need ideas!! Comment of you have any!! Thank you!! MAY THE ODDS BE EVER IN YOUR FAVOR GOOODBYE!! ❤❤❤

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