Chapter 6

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Hours later, It was time for all of us to go to bed. Tomorrow they started there first show. I quickly changed into my Pj's and got into bed. Jake opened my curtain."I'll be below you if you need anything. Okay?"he asked."Okay. Goodnight Jake"I said. He kissed my forehead. "Goodnight Alex" he said before closing my curtain. I was about to fall asleep when I heard soft cries. Andy. I opened my curtains and walked out. I was really small, so I used my bunk to get leveled with Andy's. I quietly open his curtain and see him with his head in his hands. He needs comfort. I jumped down my bunk and opened Jake's. Luckily, he was still awake."Jake. I'm gonna be in Andy's bunk for a while"I whisperer "What!? Why?"he whispered back."He need comfort " I said. "Okay just don't... Do anything stupid" he said."Gross Jake"I said. I went back to my bunk and opened his curtains again."Andy?"I asked. He stopped crying and looked at me."Oh. Hey"he said."Do you wanna talk?"I asked. He nodded. I tried to get in, but my little legs wouldn't cooperate. Andy chuckled."Need help?"he asked."Um. Yeah"I said.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the bunk."Thanks"I said getting settled next to him."Why are you crying? "I asked." I started to think about her. Most of my tattoos are about her. She was my dragonfly and I was her white rabbit. Now...I don't know what she is to me" he said."She's an asshole for breaking your heart after everything you've done for her. She doesn't deserve your love"I said. He slowly inhaled and exhaled."Your right "he said." You need to move on. You have other people who care about you and love you with all there hearts.... even me"I said. He looked at me."Thank you Alex for the advice"he said."Anytime"I said. I pulled him into a hug.

"You're gonna be okay. I promise you that Andy. Life does get better. She's a demon. Don't let her get to you"I said. He chuckled."Jake told you that?"He asked. I giggled."No. I came up with that. My relationships are just like yours"I said."Except you had a brother to give you comfort. I'm an only child"he said. I pulled away from the hug."You weren't alone. You had Cc, Ashley, Jake,"I said. He smiled. "You're right"he said."Now... get some sleep. You have you're first show tomorrow"I said."Wait. Please. Don't go. I don't wanna be alone"he said. I thought for a second." Okay. I'm sure Jake won't mind "I said. I layed next to him, bit kinda kept my distance." What's it like to have a sibling? "He asked." can be fun, but other times you just wanna punch them in the face"I said.

He laughed."Is he that bad?"he asked."Sometimes"I said. He looked at me."Thank you for putting up with me and my problems . I know I'm just exaggerating "he said." No your not. I love helping people. It makes me happy" I said. He smiled. I went on my phone a bit. It kinda got awkward. After a while, I felt something lay on my chest. I smiled when I saw Andy. He is asleep. Awww.

I kissed his head."Goodnight Andy"I wisperd. I put my head on his and closed my eyes Falling into a deep sleep.
-Next Day-
Andy's P O V-
I woke up slowley with my head on someone's chest. I quickly sat up in alarm, but then sighed in relief. It was just Alex. Did I really fall asleep on her? She looked kinda cute when she was asleep. I can't believe I'm acting the way I act when I'm with her. I act like a fucking two year old. What is she breaks me just like Juliet? What if she hurts me? I can't let her get to me. I can't let her inside my heart. She said she promised....that's exactly what Juliet said to me. I quickly jumped out of the bunk and went into the kitchen. Maybe if I don't talk to her, she'll leave me alone.

Alex's P O V

I felt the bunk move a bit. I sat up in alarm. Andy was gone. Oh god! I slept in his bunk. Crap. Trying not to kill myself, I jumped out of the bunk. I walked to the kitchen to find Andy sipping coffee."Good morning Andy"I said. He didn't respond to me. I tapped his shoulder."Andy? "I asked." What!?"he asked sharply."What's wrong with you?"I asked. He stood up and walked away. What the fuck! I ran after him and stopped him."What the fuck is your problem? "I asked." Nothing! Just leave me alone"he said."Andy! Tell me "I said. His eyes flared with Anger." I don't want to talk to you"he said."Why?! What did I do?"I asked."You promised me that everything will be okay. And that you'll help me. That's fucking BULLSHIT!"he yelled. I looked at him with disgust."Really Andy? Let me tell you something asshole! I FUCKING KEEP MY PROMISES!! I FUCKING HATE LIARS!! IF SOMEONE TELLS ME A SECRET, I FUCKING KEEP IT!! I NEVER GO BACK ON MY WORD!! IM NOT LIKE JULIET!! IF YOU WERE MY LOVER, I WOULD NEVER HURT YOU!! I CANT BELIEVE YOU FUCKING SAID THAT!"I yelled. Andy's face softened. "I-I'm sorry" he said. I walked away wanting to get far away from him. I felt something grab my arm and pulled me back. It was Andy. I tried to pull my hand away, but his grip was too strong." Please Alex. I'm so sorry "he said. I sighed and calmed down." I keep my promises Andy. I'm not that kind of person"I said.

The boys came running toward us."What the hell is going on?"Ashley asked."Let her go!"Jake said pulling Andy's hand off of me and standing in front of him."Jake. Calm down" I said. He didn't listen to me."Why the fuck are you touching my sister "he said. " I-I'M sorry Jake"he said."No! You have no right to grab her like that!! You could've hurt her with your big ass hand!"Jake yelled. I pulled Jake away from Andy. "Shut up Jake! I was handling it well" I said."No you weren't! He had his fucking hand in you"he said. I rolled my eyes."Jake. I can handle these situations on my own"I said."I know you can"he said."Then let me handle Andy"I said."Fine"he said. He walked around me and looked at Andy.
"Fucking grab her again and you're dead" he said before walking away with the guys.

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