Chapter 4

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We were all hanging out taking about me for some weird reason."Where were you born?"Cc asked."I was born in Los Angeles"I said"Who were your parents""Ashley asked. My heart broke."Um..."I looked at Jake. He knew what I was feeling."My mother died when I was Eight...she um...overdosed on pills"I said."Why?!"Cc asked. I looked down at my hands."She doesn't want to talk about it"Jake said."N-No. It's fine Jake. She was going through stuff and she killed herself. My father took it very hard and he started to drink very heavily. The CPS found out and they brought me into the orphanage where Jake's parents found me and adopted me"I said.  Warm tears fell down my face."I'm so sorry for asking Alex. I had no idea"Ashley said. Jake wrapped his arm around me giving me a hug."GROUP HUG" Cc yelled. They all hugged me really tight."Ugh!!Guys! I can't breathe!!"I squeaked out."That's the point! We squish you until you show us your smile" Ashley said. I couldn't help but giggle."There it is!"Cc yelled. I couldn't help but smile at how goofy they are."Can you let me go now?" I asked."Nope"Cc said. I rolled my eyes."If I die, you're all going to jail and you're gonna be trialed for murder" I said. They all let go of me."Okay Ms.Person thingy"Ashley said.I laughed."What!?"I asked. "I don't know"he said."Thank you guys for making me smile"I said."You're welcome and we always want to see that beautiful smile'"Ashley said.

"Watch it Purdy"Jake said."What?!"he asked."Don't worry Jake. Ashley knows that if he tries to make a move on me, I"ll chop his balls off"I said."Yeah! Wait! What!?"Ashley said. We all laughed except Ashley." I'm just kidding buddy. I'm not really gonna do it. Jake is"I said. Jake nodded."Well then "Ashley said. Jake looked around the room." Where's Andy?"He asked. We all looked around. Jinxx sighed."In his bunk like always "Jinxx said." I'll go talk to him" Ashley said."No. I'll go"I said. They all looked at me."Are you sure?"Jake asked. I nodded."We'll be here if you need anything "He said. I slowly walked into the bunk section to where he was. Turns out he was above me. I heard soft cries in his bunk. He was crying."Andy?" I asked opening his curtains. He turned his head towards me."Hey Alex"he said."Can I come in?"I asked. He nodded and scooted a bit so I could sit. I jumped in his bunk and sat next to him."Are you okay?"I asked. He nodded."Don't lie to me Andy. I don't like Liars"I said. He paused then shook his head. "What's going on?" I said. He sighed quietly. "They already probably told you" he said."Yeah. Sorry about your girlfriend "I said. Tears fell and landed on his arms." I don't know what I did to deserve this. I treated her like a queen. She was my everything "he choked out. I rubbed his back." Its not your fault Andy"I said."Yes it is. I wasn't good enough for her. I wasn't the man she wanted me to be"He said. I started to feel really bad. I wrapped my arms around him, hugging him tight."Alex? "He said with his voice cracking. I didn't respond. It took a while, bit he hugged me back. He really needs this. Hugging can make anyone feel better.

Okay so I really hope you guys enjoyed Chapter 4. I've typed this at school and home. Remember my insatgram name is
I'll give shout outs and all you have to do is comment your name and give me an idea. Byeeeeee
That is Andy Biersack On the right! ❤

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