Dont come back

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Sam's P.O.V

I put down the phone to an adorable Niall Horan crying. Once they got to the hotel they dad called me but somehow Niall got the phone and I spent the next 3 hours comforting him. Danielle and Eleanor said they would spend the first night with me. I hadn't noticed but there was no food in the house. Well okay there was a bit. There was a bit of this and that but nothing really. We thought 8 in the evening, the shops would be quiet. Eleanor didn't feel too good so I left them at home ordering chinese while I nipped to the shop to get some food.

I took the sexy black range rover Niall had let me borrow while he was away. It was so good to drive. I was no more than 2 minutes away from home when I noticed a car following me. They kept behind me right up to the shop. When I got out, a woman followed me. I quickly walked into the shop and then took my time picking out some food. She kept following me the whole way round. I stood sit in one isle just to see how close she would come.

'Sam?' Crap. How does she know my name? I turn to look at her.

'Hello? Who are you?' She took off her sunglasses and looked familar but I still had no clue who she was.

'You don't know me? Sam it's me...'

'Who?' I took a step back from her. She looked so happy to see me but I had no idea who she was. She had long wavy brown hair, similar to mine. With dark brown eyes, like mine... and she wasnt thin but she wasn't fat, she was curvy, like me...

'Samantha Jones, come on you know, look at me'

'Mum?' She smiled at me. The cheek. She had followed me down to the supermarket and expected some delightful reunion?!

'I'm back!'

'How did you find me?'

'When your dad got the job with the boys I knew that you would be with him so I worked out where they lived and watched the house until you were on your own.'

'Stalker much...'

'HA! Don't be silly Sam. You know you dad wouldn't let me see you'

'For good reason. I don't want to see you'

She stood there, looking at me with evil dark eyes. She took off her black leather gloves, wearing a long coat, black heels. She looked very professional.

'Come on Sam, just come home with me and talk.'

'Don't be stupid, I'm not coming with you....'

'Why am I being made out as the bad one?'

'Because that's what you are?'

'Your dad hurt me too Sam'

'But he didn't run away...'

'I needed space'

'Well you've got it now, haven't you'

'Your my daughter Sam, for the past 5 years I've had people watching and protecting you! You my girl, you could be a star... Together we could be amazing'

'What are you talking about?'

'I've been watching you, I've seen your talent and you could be worldwide. I have many friends that can get you there Sam, and I have a few men who would love to meet you too. Big Hollywood stars Sam. I'm not joking, you could be ten times bigger than these dull boys your dad is helping.'

'How dare you! I know why you came back now! Not for me, for the money! The fact that I could be a star. Well if I chose that career, dad will be the one to help me. And those dull boys are more of a family to me than you ever where!'

'Ha shut up Sam, your talking like your father now, nothing in life comes from love and care. It comes from work and money. We can send your dad money every month if that's what you want...'

I couldn't believe it. I turned my back and walked to the checkout. I could hear her walking behind me. Quickly I hurried back to the car while she's shouting after me.

'Sam! Your making a mistake, just hear me out!'


The door was slammed in her face and I raced home. The moment I got in I broke down and explained to the girls. It was a nightmare.

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