Being the managers daughter... 1D

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Samantha Jones is a teenage girl. She's a bit of a tomboy due to her family consisting of only her dad and herself. Her mother left them just short of 10 years ago. She is used to being on her own alot. Her dad is a music manager.

Sam's P.O.V


'I'm coming dad!' I finished shoving some clothes in a suitcase and dragged it to the front door.

'Got everything?'

'I think so...' Dad had recently been signed to a new band. They were apparently going to be the next big thing.

'I really think you're going to like these guys Sam... Your age group, funny and just genuine guys...'

'Okay dad, you don't need to convince me anymore, I'm in the car aren't I?' I had always been on the move with her dads job, but he had promised that it would end. Part of me wanted to stay... I had just begun settling down when I was on the move again. I only just managed to struggle through GCSEs and finally done my AS exams. Between us, me and dad, we had decided that was enough schooling. Time to go out into the real world. Inside I would have liked to carry on and get the same qualifications as everyone else but dad meant more to me. He offered for me to go to boarding school but that sounded even worse.

'So what's the deal with these guys?'

'Right well, the company have brought us a house and its amazing Sam, just you wait... It's got a pool, recording room, sauna, massive kitchen and...'

'What's the catch them?'

'Umm the boys live there too...'

I felt a little disheartened that dad hadn't let me in on this tiny bit of information. Instead of arguing it was easier to stay silent. I wasn't prepared to fall out with my dad.

'Be careful with that!'

Dad was busy bossing the moving men around... The 1D boys had already moved in but they were all out. I decided to have a little snoop around. There was a room that was meant to be mine I guessed. It had purple walls and a double bed. In the corner was a desk with a slim bookcase beside it. There were two other doors in the room. One lead to a huge bathroom with a jacuzzi bath and a walk in shower. The other lead to a walk in wardrobe. Rails either side and shoe compartments. In the middle of the wardrobe was a sofa and a mirror for me to relax and check myself out I guess... I dumped my stuff and carried on being nosey.

All the doors had their names on. Louis, Liam, Niall, Harry and Zayn. I know that if her dad had anything to do with these boys, they would become huge. Every girl in the world would know these 5 names. I slowly walked into the first room. It suddenly clicked who these boys were. They were the 5 boys off some singing competition. I never was into TV competitions. Thought they were always a fix. Inside Louis' room I found underwear and clothes thrown everywhere. The bed covers were about 50 metres away from the actual bed... I walked a bit further in and saw the photos by the bed. 2 very distinct frames. One had a picture of what looked like his mum and 4 sisters. The other had a different girl in. I just assumed it must of been his girlfriend. The next room I entered had Liam plasted on the door. I couldn't believe the difference to the first room. It was spotless. Again there was a picture of family and a girl by the bed. I couldn't help but think, these boys must find living without family closeby hard. Surely? Without dad... I would be no where. It made me tear up thinking about it... In the third room I was hit with a waft of stink. I slammed the door closed before looking in. I had found the typical boy... Niall. It smelt so bad of farts... and nandos which was a odd mixture. The final 2 rooms were similar. Hair and skin products everywhere. Not as messy as the first room but not tidy either.


I ran downstairs to find my dad in the huge kitchen.

'Isn't this great?!'

'Umm yea, pretty cool.'

He could tell something was playing on my mind but knew if he asked it would make me cry and he knows I'm not that kind of girl. If I need help I will ask.

'The boys will be back soon. I promise Sam, I know I broke the first one... But this is it. I can make these guys bigger than anyone else. Like I did for Bruno or Jessie...'

'We didn't have to live with them...'

'It's because there is 5 of them Sam and we need to get this right'

'yea okay I know'

'hey, sweetheart... We aren't putting your life on hold. You have music here, your recording room, when the boys aren't using it, it's all yours.'

That thought did make me smile... I love to mess around with the piano and guitar, now I can add them all together. Maybe even play with someone else.

Being the managers daughter... 1DWhere stories live. Discover now