Chapter 23

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Tom felt sickened by Elizabeth's grandparents' overly welcoming faces and enthusiastic voices, but he'd certainly met worse people. Plus, they were Elizabeth's family so he instantly respected them to an extent.

"We haven't heard much of you, Tom," Elizabeth's grandmother said cheerfully when he arrived, "Although everything we know is positive!"

Her grandfather had just gave him a friendly nod and a manly handshake with a curt hello, which Tom much preferred. Soon Elizabeth had said that she was going to take Tom up to his room - which was also hers. Her grandparents didn't really know how to look after the pair but having trusted Elizabeth immensely, they decided it was safe to let them sleep in the same room.

"Elizabeth," Tom almost exclaimed, becoming breathless, "I must admit, I've had to keep up with a lot of people in this life but I think your grandparents might be some of the worst."

"You were victorious," Elizabeth smirked, "I can tell they like you already."

Tom smiled in response to Elizabeth's sly expression. He found it amusing how he'd been able to change a girl and how a girl had been able to change him within a matter of weeks.

And to think, they used to be enemies.

Elizabeth was thinking of something along the same lines. Her thoughts were filled of Tom and how she'd once been zealous to beat him, now she could only think of how she didn't care whether she beat him or not. The only thing she cared about was Tom himself.

Elizabeth collapsed back on the bed and stretched her arms and legs. Tom plonked down beside her formally. He felt uncomfortable and hadn't settled in yet.

Elizabeth giggled at this, "Tom, it's just you and me in here."

He turned and gave her a nod, then he pushed himself back into the bed and laid beside her.

They stayed like that for a while, side by side - how they thought they were meant to be.

"Tom, what do you like?" Elizabeth almost whispered as the day became shrouded in darkness.

"What do you mean?" Tom replied calmly, rolling onto his side so he could face her. She grinned at him.

"Christmas is coming," was all she responded.

Tom shook his head, "I don't need anything."

"Tom," Elizabeth said warningly, "It's not that you need it. I want to do this for you."

"You're all I want," Tom told her instantly, but his mind was somewhere else. He had a plan for Christmas and he just needed to find the perfect way to carry it out.

Zealous (Tom Riddle)Where stories live. Discover now