thirty six - Flooded

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Back at home, in LA, things were hectic. Both Connor and Troye were flooded with work after a well needed two week break. They were barely seeing each other, what with Connor leaving early in the morning and returning in the evening, when Troye would leave for the studio. They hated it but it had to be done.

It was a Thursday evening and Connor was clearing away dinner, with Kayla. Feeling particularly lazy that evening, he had only heated up a frozen meal, which left little to no cleaning up. Once he was done, Connor lifted Kayla from her chair and carried her up to the bathroom.

Troye was due to be home very soon so Connor decided to give Kayla a bubble bath. He wrapped Kayla in a fluffy purple robe that had just came out of the dryer while he filled the bath with warm water. Since the family had extremely busy lives, she didn't get to enjoy things like that very often, so Connor let her loose with the bubbles. She also managed to sneak in a bath bomb, or maybe two. Who could tell?

It was a mess. A great big, foamy mess. Kayla got excited and went a little overboard, tipping half of the container into bathtub. Quite quickly, the bubbles rose and rose until they were spilling over the edge of the bath. The white covered the water. In the heat of the moment, Connor didn't notice when the water began to flood, dripping onto the floor. Puddles formed on the tiles of the bathroom floor; Connor stepped in one trying to reach the tap to stop the water. He was stressing out. The water was already building up and he couldn't bare to think of the damage it would leave. Kayla, on the other hand, had climbed onto the toilet and was sitting, laughing at her father. She found the situation quite hilarious, as would any three year old. A mountain of bubbles and an indoor swimming pool seemed to be a dream.

Connor took one step through the water, that was now at least an inch deep, and began to slide across the slick tiles. He caught his balance and steadied his movements.

"Kay, stay there. You could sli—" A thud was followed by a heart wrenching wail. He had spoken too late. Kayla had tried to join Connor and you could say that she did, although she was in a heap at his feet. Her arm lay under her, at an awkward angle that made Connor wince at the sight.

He tried to crouch down to her as the cries died down but his body failed him. Tears pooled in his eyes as his breathing quickened. He needed Troye. He pleaded for Troye.

Kayla's eyes had fluttered shut and her chest rose and fell with great difficulty as the cries came out loud and clear. Her head most likely collided with the soaking floor. The impact was painful but Connor was physically frozen. Not mentally though. It was as if he wasn't in his own body, like he was watching from the corner of the room, helplessly. His mind raced at a thousand miles per hour. Every inch of his soul wished for Troye to come quick, and whoever or whatever was watching down on him answered those prayers.

Troye's footsteps pounded up the stairs. He knew from the minute he entered the house that something was up. It was quiet, too quiet.

"Connor?" He called out. Connor didn't reply, but a weak wail gave away their position. Adrenaline set in and Troye raced towards to the sound. He neared the bathroom and heard the sound of running water.

Swinging the door open, Troye was met with a horrific sight. Kayla was sprawled out against the wall, in a great deal of pain. Connor on the other hand, leant against the wall, unresponsive.

"What are you doing?" Troye yelled, tending to Kayla. He gently cradled her in his arms, shushing her barely audible cries. Scared, he carried her to her bedroom and lay her down in the middle of the bed. She was propped up with pillows. Troye carefully examined her arm. It seemed not to be serious now she was comfortable, perhaps a little bruised.

"It hurts, papa." She whimpered.

"I know sweetheart, try and get some sleep. It'll be better in the morning." Troye soothed his daughter by stroking her hair until she closed her eyes. He repeated the action over and over, then her breaths steadied. Troye silently stood up and left, pulling the door to on his way out.

His heart was beating fast. The bathroom door was ajar and he peered into the mess of a room. Connor had towels on the floor to soak up the water. He didn't notice Troye's presence, that or he ignored it completely. Troye knelt down beside Connor and touched his shoulder, reassuringly. Connor shrugged him off, eyes glazed over.

"I'm sorry." Troye let out a sigh. "It was petrifying, you know. Seeing your daughter on the floor like that." A single tear rolled down Connor's cheek as Troye said that. He took in a shaky breath.

"I shouldn't have shouted at you. I know it's not your fault." Of course Troye was mad, though he didn't show it. He knew that he had to be gentle with Connor, who, at times, was like a deer in front of headlights. Connor continued mopping up the water, still not replying. Troye wasn't even sure if he was listening. He gave up trying to get through to Connor and trailed downstairs, to get a drink.

Troye realised that, in the midst of things, he had forgotten to close the front door properly. His eyes went wide as he opened it a little more and stuck his head through. Quite an old looking cat was sitting on the doorstep. It's ginger fur had faded to a dull auburn, with wispy flecks of greys and brown. The big green eyes stood out in the darkness. Troye leant over, with his arm extended. His fingers came into contact with the surprisingly sleek fur and a rush of warmth filled his chest. Then the cat jerked away and swiped a paw at Troye's forearm.

"Little rat." He spat at the cat that scampered away. Heading back inside, he saw the big, angry mark left by its sharp claws. Cursing under his breath, Troye went back upstairs to check on Connor. He had forgotten all about the drink. A quick check of the now clean bathroom and Troye saw that Connor had probably gone to bed. Their door was shut. Troye put his ear to the wood but couldn't hear anything. He twisted the handle to the left and pushed it open.

Connor sat cross legged on their bed, fully dressed. Small pieces of metal lay scattered on top of the covers. Troye instantly recognised them as parts to a pencil sharpener, with one part missing. Twirling the blade in his palm, Connor's eyes still stared straight through Troye, as if he wasn't there. Before Troye could say anything, he spoke up.

"I wasn't going to."

Troye lunged forwards and engulfed Connor in a tight hug, his hands rubbing circles on Connor's back. The touch of Troye drained Connor of all the strength he was using to hold back tears.

"What if..."'Connor choked out.

"What if what, Con." Troye pulled them apart and took a strong grip of Connor's shoulders. They were face to face, looking straight into each others eyes.

"What if I can't do it." He replied. "What if I'm not cut out for the whole dad thing. You and I both know that things could have been ten times worse in there. Kayla needed me. She depended on me there. I'm supposed to keep her safe. But what did I do? I chickened out. You had to save the day, yet again. You won't always be there, though. You could have be anywhere in the world tonight. Anywhere but here. What if it happens again, and I can't do it. What if I choke again and she's in a life or death situation. I could have watched her die tonight. Her head only just missed the wall. And it would have been my fault. What would people have thought if I said I watched it happen. I'd be known as the guy too scared to save his little girl. The little girl he promised to love and care for. The little girl he promised to protect. What if I'm not made to have kids. That's probably why the first four couples didn't want us to have their kid. Mothers know these kinda things. That's probably why Kayla's mum was barely even seventeen. She wouldn't have known best." His voice died away, getting quieter and quieter, until Troye could barely comprehend what he was saying. Troye's heart shattered. He didn't think Connor wasn't good enough. In fact he envied Connor's relationship with their daughter.

"We can do it together. Whatever life throws at us, we can handle. We are 'YouTube's power couple' after all." He smirked.

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