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A/N: Man I am so excited! Thank you voltage-writer for doing this with me! Loves! Yes I am personally starring in this with Blake-chan!

Cecilia's side

I sighed as I finished wiping down the last table. I stood up straight and wiped the sweat from my brow. Suddenly the bell chimed at my door signaling that I have a customer. I looked up prepared to welcome my customer when I see its my daughter Blake.

"My baby, " I rush over to my daughter and hug her.

Blake laughs and says "Man, mom! You act as if I'm gonna die!"

"Hey, your my daughter and I love you. How's the flower shop?"

Blake and I pull apart and she sighs and says, "A lot of customers once more. I wanted to take a break a bit earlier and come and chill here."

I laugh and said, "I'm glad your business is going well. So far I've only had ten customers. Go ahead and sit, I'll get you something to drink."

"No thanks mom. I get it meh self."


My daughter had fair skin, long luscious brunet hair, big brown eyes, tall, skinny, and she was twenty-three. She wore (A/N: Outfit in pic). To accompany her hair she had purple little flowers. She was beautiful. I had to defend a lot of boys off though. The last guy, I think his name was Antonio, I kicked his ass when he tried touching my daughter. Yes, over-protective mother. I got it. Sometimes I protect her too much but, she's still so young. I rolled my shoulders and eased tension out. I was tall, a bit plump, tan, Thirty-two, dirty dish blonde, and blue eyes. I wore (A/N: Outfit in pic). A whip was attached to my side incase something got out of hand. I don't usually resolve to violence, only when necessary though.

"Mom? Mom!"

I shook my head and blinked, "Yes?"

My daughter narrowed her eyes and shook her head and said, "Hehe."

I felt my face go flush and I said flustered, "Blake! I was not so you get that nasty thought out of your head!"

I shook my head and suddenly the door chimed. I looked and I put a smile on my face and said, "Hello! Welcome to the Lake! I'm Cecilia and I'll-"

I stopped short though when I noticed who stood at the door. I rolled my eyes and said, "Leonardo, you best have a good reason for coming to my bar."

Leonardo, the captain of navy stood there. Also, my ex.

"Uncle Leo! Oh meh god. I can't believe you showed up," Blake gasped.

"Cecilia I just wanted to warn you that the Sirius Pirates are in town. There ruthless and quite brutal. As soon as you see them, send Blake to find me," Leonardo said with concern.

I raised an eyebrow. And that's the reason we broke up. I was fine with Pirates, okay not a lot of them but I was cool. He didn't understand me and said something hurtful. I forgave him but, that's all she wrote. I crossed my arms and I could hear Blake say, "Mommy! I'm going into town real quick and get some ingredients."

I twisted my head to look at her and said, "Alright, be back soon though please. Dinner rush hour will start and I need you tonight. It's a full moon."

Full moons were a big thing here at my bar. It gets more lively every time it's a full moon. I watched my daughter walk out the door and I looked to Leonardo who said, "Cecilia, please. These guys are bad. I just want you and Blake-"

Aggravated I growled, "Enough Leonardo. I don't care. Get out of here. And I swear, you bring those Navy men into my bar, I'll personally come and mess you up."

Blake-chan and I are in Pirates in Love!Where stories live. Discover now