Chapter Seventeen

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Thompsons side

I knew she would fall in love with someone else. If Anchor wouldn't have taken me away Blake would have grown up with the both of us, but it turned out this way. I wish time would turn back and I could see my wife and help her through giving birth. Holding our daughter for the very first time. Now everything is so much more. The only woman I love is possibly dying down in the infirmary room. Blake I held tightly for she still cried. If Cecilia dies I'll lose it. I look to Morgan, the man who took her away from me, sat there in silence. My wife's blood on his shirt still. His hands clasped tightly together praying for a miracle. Morgan, I hate you, but I wish the best for you and Cecilia. I'll be checking on my daughter very often. Keep her happy or I'll kill you by my own hands.

Morgan's side

We all gathered up on deck. Mostly everyone was asleep. Russell was sitting against the ship and Blake was fast asleep lying on him. Aria and Nathan were cuddle up fast asleep. Yukio and Thomas were curled up. Eduardo was standing and resting up against a coroner and he had Angel tucked into his arms. The only ones away were myself, Thompson, and Christopher. It's been an hour, or that's what I think. It seem each time I close my eyes all I can see is her beautiful blue eyes and hear her saying I love you. Cecilia, don't leave me. Please don't. I don't want to be alone anymore. I'm tired of it. The sun was rising and I looked towards the deck and suddenly Christopher emerged. I ran up to him and said, "Chris! Please, tell me she's alright! Please I'm begging you."

By this time I've woke everyone and Christopher smiles, "She's alive."

I hugged Christopher and teats of relief went down my face then I pulled away and said, "Can I see her?"

"As much as I would love to say yes captain, but this is a firm no. Cecilia needs rest and I need some time to santize."

"Thank you Chris!"

Blake suddenly rushed up and hugged Chris. I smiled and out of exhaustion I flopped on the deck. Months later Cecilia was up and around and Chris gave her permission to be moving around a lot. Blake gave her an earful. It was funny to watch, but we all know how scary it was. Cecilia I was happy to say was now by my side. We were dating and Blake and Russell were now engaged. Cecilia almost strangled Russell, but she didn't. I was proud. Thompson had a new crew and he offered if Russell and Blake wanted to be a part. They said no. I told Cecilia about my brother and my past. Aria and Nathan were very happy, Angel and Eduardo were happy as well. Yukio and Thomas seem to balance out one another. It was nice.

Cecilias side

I walked in to Morgan's and my room and I said, "Tch. My boyfriend is wearing his thinking face. Should I be worried?"

I walked over and he smiles and pulled me into his lap. With a laugh he said, "I'm just thinking of how much time has passed. How much has changed."

I laughed and we shared a kiss, "A lot has changed. But you know what? I'm extremely happy. Every one is happy."

He laughed softly and I heard the familiar squeal of my daughter and I said, "I wanna kill him so badly."

I had a pout and a small smile on my face. Russell would be my son in law. Yep, that doesn't even sound right in my head. I snuggled into Morgan and suddenly I could hear vomiting. I shot up and ran to the closest bathroom and found my daughter bent over the toilet. I pulled her hair out of her face and suddenly I saw something sticking out of the trash. My eyes widen and I looked to the doorway where Russell was and I narrowed my eyes.

"You son of a bitch, " I hissed.

Russells eyes widen and he said, "Cecilia, l-let's talk about this. Look let's just focus on Blake. She's throwing up and needs her mom."

After I made sure Blake was done I took her to the infirmary and I said, "Chris, feel her stomach."

Christopher kind of stood there and I said, "Chris."

He chuckled and stood up from his seat and walked over to feel Blakes stomach. He said, "Oh."

I looked back to Russell who said, "Um...Cecilia, Blake and I love you very much. And we want to tell you Blake is expecting. We were going to save it as a wedding surprise, but oh what's the saying? Mothers always find out."

He laughed nervously and I pulled out my whip and made a snap sound with it. I smiled with full evil.

"Mom! Please let's talk! Russell and I were going to get married before this, but your getting a grandchild! You can't kill him," Blake said.

"Oh no. I'm not going to kill him. I'm just going to torture him."

Russell ran and I ran after him. For sure there was much more ahead of us. And are family was getting bigger every day. Though, we may lose a member. And his name was Russell.

A/N: I'm sorry that this was such a short chapter, but this was coming to an end and if you want more or even a book two tell me! Loves to all! I'd like to send a special thanks to voltage-writer for playing as my daughter! As well as Nima117 for playing Aria the sweet girlfriend of Nathan! Also Oreo-chan for playing Yuki and loving Thomas! As well as darkangel60 for playing in this as well as Angel! Thank you guys and you guys too for voting and commenting! It means so much to me! If you haven't heard of these people their truly funny, sweet, caring and great people. Follow and read their awesome stories! Loves to all! Leave comments of you want more and add your own ideas in! Loves!

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