Chapter Six

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Leonardo's side

I saw the Sirius in sight. My heart sped up. I looked to my crew and said, "As soon as we have the Sirius next to us, nobody will attack. I want to talk with Cecilia first and get them to come to us. Then we'll discuss more. Until then, no one will attack. If Cecilia and her daughter are being held captive, don't hold back against those nasty pirates. Are we understood?"

"Yes sir!"

Soon our ship was next to theirs. And I saw Cecilia standing next to Morgan the Pirate King himself. My heart sped faster. I looked to Morgan. He nodded and when i moved to cross over Cecilia stepped up and said, "Don't you dare come closer Captain Leonardo."

Russells side

Cecilia stood tall and proud. The woman glared power. Leonardo even halted in his steps looking taken back.

"Cecilia! Blake! You both are alright," Leonardo said happily.

"Tch! Piss off Leonardo! This is all your fault! You burned my daughter's shop and my bar! Do you know how pissed I am right now," Cecilia's voice was slathered heavily in venom.

Leonardo took a step back and said, "Cecilia, I didn't order them to do that! I'd rather shoot myself then go and hurt you! Or even Blake! Cecilia, don't you remember the good times? I loved Blake as if she was my own daughter. I wanted to marry you Cecilia!"

Leonardo tried to step forward and Cecilia cracked her whip at him which caused him to trip backwards, "Who are you to bring up those memorys? All you ever did was say how you would put down all Pirates in the world! I trusted you with my one of my secrets and you rub it in my face!"

"Cecilia, I'm sorry. Here, I wish not to fight. I only-"

"Then leave Leonardo! These men have done nothing but treat us with kindness and guided us! Russell even protects Blake better then you did when she was younger."

Cecilia, you confuse the hell out of me. I can't tell if you like me or hate me. I looked to Blake. She had a worried look and my heart instantly twinge with pain. I took in of her hands in mine and squeezed it reassuringly. I looked to her and she looked up at me.

"It'll be okay Blake, " I softly told her.

She let go of my hand then hugged me. Her arms wrapped around my waist. Truth be told, I missed her sleeping next to me. She was so cute. I rested a hand on top of her hair and lightly ran my hand through her hair. Doesn't this young flower know what she does to me?

Cecilia's side

"Cecilia, these men kidnapped you! What have they done to you, " Leonardo cried.

I said, "Go now Leonardo. Quite frankly, I'm not afraid to kick your ass right here in front of your men."

"Cecilia, you've changed, " Leonardo said softly.

"Hmpf, I didn't think I did. Go Leo! I'm tired and I'd rather rest right now."

I didn't want to fight. But, if I had to I would. And I guess he's going to make me.

"Cecilia, I'm sorry to-"

I right hooked him and he fell back. Funny, I can't feel the pain right now.

"You wench!"

Suddenly one of Leo's men pulled a trigger and a piercing scream filled the air. I whirled and saw Blake on the ground.

"BLAKE, " I cried.

I ran to my daughter and knelt down next to her. My daughter, the only love I have left was shot in the shoulder. I...failed to protect her. Tears went down my cheek and Blake was holding onto Russell who said, "Cecilia, I-"

With a small smile I said, "You did great. Please continue to protect her."

I caressed my daughters cheek and said, "It'll be okay baby. Mommy's sorry."

I raised up and then turned around. I said, "Chris, tend to my daughter please. Russell guard them."

My voice was filled with anger. I radiated off hot rays and I cracked my knuckles and neck. I pulled out my dagger and with tears streaming down softly I said, "I'm sorry Thompson."

Morgan's side

Cecilia went full on rage. Most of Leonardo's men were staggering back to the ship. Cecilia fought with Leonardo who kept getting knocked off balance. The fighting was intense. Thomas and Nate paired up as myself and Eduardo did. We protected the entrance down to the infirmary and helped Cecilia our as much as possible. When the saying goes, 'hell hath no fury like a woman's anger' well, it should have been, 'hell hath no furry like a mothers anger'. Soon, all the men retreated including Leonardo himself. Cecilia wasn't done for she started chasing after then but I grabbed her from behind and hugged her, "Let me go Morgan! Let me go! They have to pay! They hurt Blake! I'll kill them all!"

"Cecilia! Enough! Captains orders!"

Soon, she stopped and was bawling. She dropped everything and it took awhile for her to calm down. Hours later Blake was asleep in one of the infirmary beds. Cecilia was right by her bedside. She hadn't moved. She was staring at a knife. Now that I think about it, she pulled that out earlier and said something. Was it, Thompson? Yes, I think it was. I pulled up a chair and she said, "I'm sorry everyone. I didn't mean to be selfish."

"Cecilia, no one is going to hold it against you. Though, you gave us a good scare going all out like that, " Chris said.

She smiled tiredly at us and said, "Did ya enjoy the show?"

She laughed dryly. We all sat there then the guys said goodnight and went to bed. All that was left in the room was myself, Cecilia, Russell, and Blake. Chris had stepped out for awhile. Russell was fast asleep next to Blake in a rocking chair. I looked to Cecilia and spoke, "Your different from A lot of women. Ice never met one who could basically at be a captain. They way you rum things and care for others. Tonight proved to me something about you Cecilia. You are definitely not some regular bar maid."

She laughed dryly and said, "Don't start something you can't finish Morgan. I suggest you leave it alone."

Her blue eyes were lit. I nodded and said, "I understand. I think I'm going to fetch me some rum. Care for a drink?"

"Something strong Morgan, " She said.

I nodded. I went out thinking of Cecilia and who she really was. I'm not leaving this alone. Tonight marks something that's really about to began.

A/N: Sorry if this was a bit short, but been thinking more about this! Hope you guys love it still! Loves!

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