Chapter One

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Cecilia's side

After a few minutes of calming down I looked to Morgan and realized what he said, "Become one of you? I'm guessing we can't get back home?"

"Mom? We aren't going back home, " Blake asked.

"No, too dangerous. Navy now thinks we're with the Sirius. They'll throw us in jail. Oh I'm so mad."

I went to the side where I was looking at Yamato and I screamed, "Screw you Leonardo! Screw you Navy! Screw you!"

Morgan was laughing and he said, "You have some nerve."

"I've got alot of nerve since that's my ex."

I turned back to them and the guy with the eyepatch, Eduardo I believe said, "You are something."

"No way are we allowing women on this ship! Especially one that looks like Fuzzy and dated a navy man, " Russell I think said.

"Fuzzy? We used to you blond air head!"

"Fuzzy is a big girl on another enemy ship called the Riki Miss."

"Blond air head?!"

I pulled out my whip and said, "Your calling me fat?"

Blake jumped in front of Russell and she said, "Mommy! No! Just leave it be. Apoligize jerk."

Russell sighed and said, "Fine, " Blake moved away and he said, "I'm sorry fatty."

I'm pretty sure all my blood vessels just popped. I lashed my whip and grabbed him by the ankle and pulled him down.

"Ahhh, " Russell screamed.

Blake shook her head and mumbled. I taught Russell a few lessons and everyone was laughing. Russell winced and Christopher said, "I'll treat those later."

I smirked and said, "Not sorry."

I put my whip away and said, "My apologies."

Russell and I shook hands and I looked to Blake, "Are you going to be okay on this ship? If not, we'll get off as soon as we can."

Blake's side

If we stayed maybe I could get closer to Russell. But, I looked at mom and said, "Did Uncle Leo really betray us?"

"Yes. But, it'll be okay. If anything, maybe Myumu will come visit us, " my mother smiled gently.

"Alright. Let's be Sirius new members!"

"Alright Morgan. We accept your offer. And I'm sure your going to say we need a roommate. As much as I don't like separating from my daughter, I trust my daughter we'll be fine with ant of your men?"

How does meh mom know this? Morgan laughed and said, "That's one of our rules. Rule number one, never allow women or children to be harmed. Rule number two, keep you and your buddy close. Rule number three, when it's a full moon party till dawn. Now I think its time we introduce are selfes. I'm Morgan, the captain of the ship. The one with an eyepatch is Eduardo. He's one of the greatest navigators. Next is Christopher, he's our ships doctor. Next we have Nathan, our chef. Then Russell our two sworded fencer. Next is Thomas. He's an apprentice. What is your name?"

"I'm Blake! An awesome person!"

"I'm Cecilia. I'm her mother. It's nice to meet everyone."

"Well, you already know what I'm about to say, who will you room with?"

Mom looked to me. God there all so hot! Which one do I pick? Oh my god! This is even worser then the time I had to pick which cookie I wanted!

Blake-chan and I are in Pirates in Love!Where stories live. Discover now