Chapter Fourteen

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A/N: Please welcome darkangel60!

Cecilia's side

I groaned as I slowly woke up. I blinked several times and I heard a voice say, "Go get Captain. He'll wanna here that she's awake."

Slowly I raised up and then tried to move my arms, but they wouldn't move.

"Shiz! Really, " I muttered already ready to snap someone in half.

I looked around to see I was in a dark room with an oil lamp lighted. I was also tied to a chair. I groaned, you have got to be kidding me. The door suddenly opened and I blinked because it was so bright for a moment. Though slowly I saw two men and I gasped. Anchor and Buccaneer. I narrowed my eyes and I said, "You both look more uglier than the last time I saw you two."

I smirked and Buccaneer got in my face and said, "Same old Cecilia. Congratulations on the daughter. I hear she's quite beautiful."

"God, get your ugly face out of mine anchovie breath!"

Buccaneer growled and pulled away and suddenly I was slapped. I gasped. Then I started laughing, "Please, that was real cute! What, and you call yourself a pirate?"

Anchor laughed and said, "Cecilia, you think your so tough. But you don't realize how breakable you really are."

"Then your gonna grow older than, waiting for me to break, " I narrow my eyes.

"Maybe you will Cecilia. Maybe when the Pirate King and your husband come to find you they'll forget you. They'll just leave you, " Buccaneer said smirking.

I turned my head and said, "Wow, such big words coming from tiny men."

Next thing I knew I was on the ground. My head was spinning. I could see black seeping into my vision. Once I was sitting up I still smirked and said, "You can't even control yourself."

"Calm down brother. She's just trying to mess with you. You know Cecilia, I heard your daughter is beautiful. It be a shame if something happened to her," Buccaneer said with a kind smile.

My eyes widen and I growled, "My daughter has nothing to do with this! Just leave her alone as well as everyone else. Do what you want with me but not them!"

"See? I bet the Pirate King has already touched you," Anchor smirked.

"No! My husband is the only man! Your the lowest! Accusing me of not being loyal!"

"Hmph, well Cecilia. I see that you are about to have a fun long journey."

I narrowed my eyes and next thing I knew I was untied abs was taken somewhere on the ship.

Morgan's side

I sighed and we traveled trying to find the ship. Cecilia was going through my mind. I hope she was alright. Finally we had to stop at a port. I was angered and desperately wanted to have Cecilia back. I don't care if she still loves Thompson or not. As long as I see her back it'll be okay. Or that's what I keep telling myself. Everyone went off to do their thing and I was alone. Thompson was with Blake who was clearly upset and she wasn't talking with him. I stopped In front of this antique store and I walked in. It looked like a book store.


I jumped and whirled to see a young. Around Russells age maybe a year or two younger. She had brown eyes with waist length black hair with grey highlights. She was tan as well. She smiled and said with mischief in her eyes, "I know who ye are Pirate King Morgan. I don't see you as a book person."

I was caught off guard, but I laughed. Though, it sounded force. She walked up and with a furrow of her eyebrows she said, "Pirate King, I sense trouble. You have a woman you deeply in love and she has been taken by a man named Buccaneer and Anchor."

"Buccaneer? Wait how do you know, " It was my turn to be confused.

"The woman you love is in the hands of two very powerful men. They can over power you but you can stop them. Pirate King i have powers and I don't tell anyone. But, I can help you. Please let me help you."

Normally I didn't believe in these kinds of things. Though, I believed in her and I believed she could be an important assest. I nodded and said, "Alright lassie. What is your name?"

She smiled and said, "The names Angel (please let me know if you would like it to be changed) and I'm honored to be of help."

"I would like to know first what exactly is your skill."

"Ah, I read people and see everything if they are in my line too long. I know many legends. The Sirius isn't bad. I see that, but your friend isn't going to hold up. She's in real trouble."

"Can you see what there doing with Cecilia, " I asked.

She looks down saddened and says, "There beating her. She's even crying, but she is still spouting out bad remarks."

I gave a low a chuckle and said, "Cecilia. Only you. Come on, I think it's time we go."

She nods and grabs three books and puts it in her bag and we run out. When we arrive to the ship I notice everyone is there.

"Another chica," Aria said confused.

"I thought you loved Cecilia," Yuki said pissed.

"What's going on," Blake said confused.

"Look. This is Angel! I don't know how to explain but she see's everything. She told me information that we aren't even aware of. Like Buccaneer is with Anchor. She will tell you everything. She can help us and I don't want any argument. Yuki drop that tone. I love Cecilia with all my heart. Thompson, I'll rip you to spreads if you open your stupid mouth!"

"Sorry Cap, " Yuki said.

I nodded. No one questioned anything. We were going to finally put down Anchor and Buccaneer. It's going to be a long battle.

Cecilia's side

I coughed as they tied me back down to the chair and I said, "Jeesh. My grandmother hit harder then you."

"Keep it up Cecilia and see where it continues to get you, " Anchor said.

I laughed and said, "Beating a woman. One against two. What makes you?"

The door slammed shut signaling I was alone once more. I let the tears out. I was in pain and I don't know how long I was going to be kept alive. I sighed. Blake, Morgan, everyone. I hope your alright.

A/N: Finally published! Thanks to everyone for commenting and voting so much! Thank you to darkangel60 for joining us. Special thanks to her for starring me in and others in her book. Please check her out and these other fabulous people! voltage-writer, Nima117, and Oreo-chan! These chica's are fantastic and super fun! Please check them out! Thanks so much for putting up with me! I'm out! Loves!

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