Chapter Eleven

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Anonymous side

"Eh? What do you mean, " I said frustrated.

"Just like we said Captain, Cecilia and her daughter are on the Sirius. But, we followed them and you won't believe this, but the Pirate King is attached to Cecilia. Also, she left."

I narrowed my eyes and smirked as I said, "Well. So Cecilia has managed to win the hearts of two great Captains. Hm. I'll have to give her credit. Let's see how Thompson reacts to this. Good work you two. Dismissed."

I stood up and went down into the very bottom of my ship into the holding cell. Sure enough, Thompson laid there in the floor asleep.


I said it loud enough where it woke him and he groaned saying, "What Anchor? Meh was having an awesome rest until you woke me bish!"

I smirked and said, "Guess who I found?"

Thompson rolled his eyes and shrugged mumbling something, "Cecilia and your daughter."

His head snapped towards me and his eyes wide. He flung himself at the bars and said, "Don't you touch them! Cecilia and my daughter have nothing to do with this!"

This will be the first time he's heard about his kid. When I so generously let them communicate she was pregnant that time but, that's all then that wench dissapeared. My smirk grew wife as I said, "The Pirate King has taken a liking to your Cecilia. For my men saw them kissing. Though, I guess Cecilia wasn't happy about it and left the Sirius."

Thompson kicked the hay and I said, "Does Thompson want to go hurt the Pirate King."

Thompson whirled on me and said, "I know Cecilia would never betray me on purpose. Whatever she did was to protect my daughter and herself and if me at all possible!"

"Thompson, I'll let you go for one day to meet your daughter and be with her, but if you don't come back to me and if I here a ploy to try and turn tables on me, you better pray that I don't. Starting now. Your daughter is located south of here. Here's a compass. Take one of the little boats."

Thompson went as soon as I opened the gate. I watched him leave and I saw my men look at me and I said, "He'll be back."

I started laughing.

Thompsons side

I have a little girl! I have a daughter! God Cecilia, please tell me they lied and your right there on that ship. I bet you're being bad ass. I can't wait to meet my daughter. The sun was barely out when I had left that ship but now it's high rise. So it's morning. Finally I came to a ship. I made sure to tie the dingy nice and tight to the boat. I climbed the rope and came face to face with a sword. I looked up to find a young lad with bright orange hair. I smiled and said, "Hello. I'm looking for my daughter."

"Your daughter? Sir, I don't think your daughter's here. Now please leave or Eduardo might shoot you."

"Thomas, what's going on, " I heard a growl and I jumped up onto the ship taking the young lad hostage holding his own sword to his throat, "I'm really sorry to do this but, I would like to speak to your Captain. Now please. I don't have much time."

"Damm, Nate, do you mind, " The man with slicked back black hair.

A woman with long blonde hair with green tips (A/N: I forgot you said green tips Nima. I'm really sorry) and blueish and greenish eyes. She looked ready to draw something and I said, "Hello my dear. Please have no fear. I only wish to speak with your captain."

"My god."

I looked to see Morgan. I let go of the lad and bowed, "Meh has arrived!"

"Everyone stand down. Come with me."

"Morgan, I've been imprisoned long enough in a room. This is my only chance to find my wife and daughter which I've heard was on this ship! Please Morgan! Where is Cecilia and my daughter?!"

"Are you talking about another Cecilia, " a man with dirty dish blond hair said.

"No. I'm talking about a woman with long blonde hair and blue eyes. Her favorite weapon is a whip. I heard she is here with my daughter!"

"So Miss Cecilia was married, " the man I think Thomas was called said.

"What's going on, " a man with blond hair said while standing next to him a brunette with brown eyes.

Another girl with them and Morgan said, "Cecilia, why didn't you stay? I'm sorry. Blake."

The brunette looked at him, "Yes."

Oh my god. That's my daughter! Her name is Blake! I ran and hugged my daughter.

"Oh Blake! Thank god! Your safe my daughter! Daddys got you!"

I heard gasps and suddenly I was pushed back by an angry Blake who said, "My mother told me my father died!"

"Blake, she only said it to protect you. Please, let meh explain."

"Blake, he is your father. Your mother told me all about it. She didn't say anything because she was scared that you'd be found."

"I've only got today to be free and I came to find you and your mother. The last time we were actually together was before your mother was pregnant. I missed a lot of your life and I'm sorry."

Blake teared up and she hit my chest and said, "Enough! I can't take it! Why isn't mom here?!"

I hugged my daughter and she didn't fight me. I looked to Morgan and said, "So that bish was right. Cecilia isn't here. Then is it true you kissed my wife before she disappeared."

"Yes. I knew something was going to happen and I did that out of selfish reasons."

I looked to my daughter and dried her tears, "I'm here now. Everything will be fine. Tell meh all that has happened!"

"Well, I have a boyfriend."

My eyes went wide and I said, "Who is it?"

"Your welcome Russ. Getting thrown right under the bus."

I looked to see a man with two swords who said, "Nice to meet you. I'm Russell, the two sword fencer for the Sirius."

"Well, I'm sure my wife has threatened to already bury ya six feet under if ya hurt her, but I promise you'd rather go down by meh awesomeness hands! What else?"

"I got to meet back up with Aria and Yuki. Can we not talk right now."

Blake wrapped her arms around me and buried her head in my chest. I held her close understanding she needed a moment to adjust. I love you Blake.

Cecilia side

I had to leave. I had to. I'll be back though. I have things to settle first. I love you Blake. I miss you Morgan. I miss you Thompson.

A/N: Sorry if it's short!

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