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Russell's side

     To say I was terrified is an understatement, I'm frightened as hell! Blake had went into labor and to say her mother is enjoy watching me squirm and freaking out is also an understatement. I'm pretty sure Cecilia is enjoying this too much! I glared at her and yelled, "Your daughter is in labor! Shouldn't you be supporting her?!"

     "Not my job. She in fact requested that  you help her in labor," Cecilia smirked.

     My face went white. I am beyond terrified. I look to the infirmary where Blake was and I shook with fear. Blake was crazy scary during her pregnancy. I love her with all my heart, but I'm really scared. I look to the guys and then I said, "Please, ladies of the Sirius, please dear god help me. I don't know-"

     "RUSSELL! GET YOUR ASS IN HERE AND HELP ME-," Blake was interrupted by another contraction and she let out a scream.

     Cecilia was at this point on the floor laughing her ass off. I was hot to say the least. I look to the girls and Aria was sitting on Nate's lap happily snuggling on her boyfriend, Yuki was leaning on her boyfriend up against the wall, Angel cuddled close to Eduardo and I could see smirks on both of their faces. Christopher came out of the infirmary and he said, "Russell, you need to get in there right now. It's almost time to push."

     I looked at all the girls who smirked. Cecilia stood up and got right in my face and said, "Get your ass in there and help meh daughter to push out my grandson or my granddaughter!"

     Oh, as well as Blake's father was there. He glared at me and I took a deep breath and as I started going in the infirmary I heard, "You'll be fine Russell, the most harm that could come out of this is if she rips your head off! Meow! Good luck!"

     Dammit Aria! I headed in with Christopher who closed the door and Blake looked at me with fire in her eyes and I swore I saw Cecilia there. She screamed, "WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?!"

     I stood next to her and held both her hands and said, "I'm right here now Blake. I love you."

     She softened and then her face went red again as she screamed. I look to Chris who said, "It's time. Blake please do your very best to push."

     She looked up to me and tears came down her face and I said, "Your strong Blake. Come on, push our miracle out!"

     I kissed her forehead and Blake let out a scream once more as she pushed.

Cecilia's side

I smiled sadly and Morgan hugged me close and said, "They'll be fine. Blake's a strong capable girl."

     "I know, but I'm her mother. I pushed her out by myself. I remember the day. The island had no doctors and I was working and right in the middle of serving drinks my water broke.  Every guy looked scared and drunk. I didn't know what to do. There was this captain and he picked me up and I looked at him and said 'what the hell are you doing'? He didn't say a word, instead he took me back to his ship where I gave birth. The crew never said a word. I cried out for Thompson and I remember thinking I wasn't going to survive and I looked to the captain who stayed by my side the whole entire time and help my hand and I said 'you save my baby, you don't save me. take her somewhere safe is all I ask you'. He laughed and said 'silly woman. Your staying here with your baby'. And that's when I finally got to see Blake.  The doctor was nice enough to clean her off and he sent a crew member out and had him buy a baby girl clothes and diapers. I was so grateful. He never told me his name. But I'll forever be grateful. It broke my heart every time Blake cried, when she was hurt and I couldn't fix it. It was hard being a single parent and raising her by myself. Not once though did I ever want to give her up. I made sure she had everything and I never once turned on her."

     Tears streamed down my face as I smiled (A/N: I'm literally crying right now). The whole crew looked to me and I said, "Yeah. Blake, your strong keep up the great work."

Russell's side

"Come on Blake one more push and we get to see our child!"


     I sighed and continued to support her. Finally she gave birth, but Chris looked up to me and said, "Um, Russell there's another one coming."

     Blake looked at me and slapped me, "You mothertrucker! I want my mommy! Get her in here!"

     Sure enough Cecilia walked in and there was no smirk or nothing. She grabbed Blake's other hand and said, "Come on baby. I know it hurts, I know your tired. But you need to push the other one out."

     Blake cried and I said, "Come on Blake. I promise you I will get you all the pizza in the world and you don't have to worry about anything."

     Cecilia looked at me and smiled. An actual genuine smile. This made me feel better. Don't ask me why. Finally Blake pushed the one out and Blake was wore out. I loved her and told her how great and awesome she did and her tired reply was, "I'm awesome bish."

     We laughed and I said, "What are they?"

     "Congratulations Russell, your first born is a boy and you get a girl. What would you like to name them," Chris said with a smile.

Two years later

Blake's side

I smiled as we walked to the dinning hall and Matthew walked with his father while I carried our little girl Nima on my hip. My family when we came in mom smiled and said, "There's my grandchildren and kids!"

     "Awesome Grandmother," they both shouted.

     "Hey, don't ignore your cool grandpa," cap shouted hurt.

     My kids ignored cap who pouted, and Aria said, "I want one Nate."

     "Thomas, I kind of want one, " Yuki looked to Thomas.

     Thomas grew up and blushed as he said, "W-we will work on it."

     The crew went up and shouts. I couldn't ask for a better family. This is where we belonged. Aw, if your confused let me clear everything up. Everyone was happily married. And sure enough the crew was in for it. Angel looked to Eduardo who smirked and said, "Practice starts tonight."

     Angel smirked and said, "Fantastic."

     "Where do babies come from," my kids shouted suddenly.

     We all laughed and I said, "When your older I'll explain. Cap you say one word I'll kill ye."

     We all laughed once more and enjoyed the rest of the evening. Our family.

A/N: You are now at the end of the book! Thanks so much again to everyone for being in this! I appreciate everyone for working with me. Again if you don't follow these people or never heard of these people there fantastic and super fun! There books are amazing! Please check them out! Loves to everyone! <3

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