Chapter Eight

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A/N: Two more are added to our party today!
Nima117 plays Aria!
Oreo-chan who use to be littlecupcake94 plays Yuki Yaskama!

Cecilia's side

I pulled my daughter's hair through the bun and slightly pulled the ends. I had the back of Blake's hair into an actual ribbion. I lightly finished pulling out the curlers and the back of my daughter's hair. Today, Morgan and I would actually going out. Last night the reason we didn't go our was because Blake suggested the guys go out and do stuff. I thought it would be nice for the guys. Russell was taking Blake out on an actually date and Morgan and I were going on ours. I wasn't mad anymore, in fact, I was a little confused. I wasn't sure how I felt. Maybe I was being paranoid. God, men think were confusing, we confuse even are selves. As I finished up the last touches on my hair I mumbled, "I can't be having feelings."

He's just my Captain, that's it. No more. Yeah, that's what you said about him. Shut up!

"Mom? Are you okay?"

I shook my head and said, "Yes I'm fine. Are you excitied? I heard the boys were actually wearing tuxs. I heard Russell couldn't even fix his tie and he wouldn't ask for help."

Blake blushed but then she looked at me with a confused expression as she said, "Mom, why are you for Russell and I now?"

"Because you two were meant for each other and I won't stop this, plus he probably would lose to me so very badly."

"Mom, where did you learn to fight?"

"That's for later. Anyway, come on. I'm scared Morgan might come down here and throw me over his shoulder."

We laughed and started up for the top deck. When we stepped up, instantly I saw Morgan. He didn't wear his regular gear, instead, a tux. He looked sharp. My heart sped up. Why? Why is it doing that? It all started like this last time to. God I'm getting paranoid. I looked to Blake who was fixing Russells tie. Russell looked away, trying to hide his blush and I felt my hand being taken. I looked up to Morgan. He smiled gently and said, "Shall we Cecilia?"

I found myself nodding and I took one last look at my daughter before we left. Why do I have a feeling something strange is going to happen?

Aria's side

I say bored out of my mind at home. My older brother finally came to visit me. Now, he wouldn't shut up about the Sirius and how they took something from him. Though, u was intrigued when he would mention the chef of the ship. God I was in love with Nathan! Myumu sat in my lap purring softly and I hugged Myumu close to me.

"Aria! Aria!"

Startled out of my thoughts I yelped and looked at my older brother Leonardo, "What?"

"Are you even paying attention to me?"

"Brother, just shut it. I love you but your killing me here! What did the Sirius "take" from you that has your feathers in a ruffle?"

I pursed my lips. My long blonde hair cascaded down my shoulders and my eyes blue but a bit greenish in them. Suddenly the door burst open and I jumped out of my seat. I looked to see one of my brothers men come in and say, "My deepest apologies! Sir the Sirius are here! We confirmed it when we saw Russell and the girl Blake out!"

"Blake! That means Cecilia is here as well!" Blake is here! Wait! Is Blake in danger? Oh hell no is nii-san or his goons getting Blake or Aunt Cecilia! I slipped away and started running looking for either sign of a Sirius member. Soon I came across....ohmygod! Ohmygod! It's Nathan! And Eduardo! I ran up to them and they looked taken away. At first I found myself in a trance with Nathan and couldn't find words.

"Um, can we help you miss, " Nathan asked.

I shook my head to get out of my trance and I blushed. I feel like a school girl!

"Hi! My names Aria and we really need to find the rest of the Sirius and get out of here."

"Excuse me? Miss there's no Navy here. How do you know where Sirius, " Eduardo asks.

"Well, I recgonize you two! Seco D of all please don't freak out but my big brother is Leonardo!"

I have a pleasant smile on my face and Nate says, "Shit! I told you that I had a bad feeling Ed. Then hang on a sec. Why aren't you turning us in?"

The boys peer at me suspiciously and I look down slightly blushing, "Well, I know two girls on your ship and plus, I really like you Nate."

I look back up and Nate looks away away I see a tint of blush in his cheeks and Eduardo I see trying to stifle a laugh, "Wish Blake was here."

Oh my god! Blake! I shook my head and got Sirius, "Come on, we have to find them before my big brothers turns them in. He was quite pissed off!"

Nate, myself, and Eduardo went off in search of the others. We managed to collect Thomas and Christopher. Soon I saw Blake and Russell arm in arm. Awe! There so cute! Too bad we have to interrupt their moment. Sorry Blake. We all run up to them and I said, "Russell! Blake!"

They looked up and Blake gasped as she recognized me. She has on the biggest smile! We run towards each other and hug.

"Aria! It's great to see you! I completely forgot that this was the port you lived on! I missed you!"

"Blake! It's been years! Glad to see you! Look, we're sorry to Interrupt but we really need to leave this port!"

Blake gave me a look that said what's going on?

"Leo is here and one of his men saw you and Russell!"

"Shit! The excitement seems to be never ending, " Russell said.

"It's the Sirius sir! They kidnapped Aria!"

We all looked to see my brother and his men and Blake said, "On the count of three, we run for it like mom's chasing us with her whip (I really wanted to put we run like Dean just saw us crash the Impala). One, two, three! No-whoa!"

Suddenly Blake was thrown over Russells shoulder and I was put on Nathans shoulder. Oh my god! I'm so happy I could pass out. Soon we lost the Navy and I was put down, "Sorry Aria."

"It's fine, " I managed to squeak out.

Soon, we went looking for Morgan and Cecilia. We found a bar and went in. Sure enough we walked in on Morgan slow dancing with Aunt Cecilia. I smiled and once the dance seem over we started clapping and Aunt Cecilia freaked out and then when she saw me she said, "Shit. Leo's not far behind then. Everyone to the ship!"

Things I love about Aunt Cecilia, she can put two and two together. I remember the first time I met them. I was ten. They were traveling. Blake was three years older then me. But not only was Blake older she was taller than me. Aunt Cecilia didn't live far when she moved to the port. Soon we grew close, but she kept a fair distance from brother. When brother would be a way long periods, Aunt Cecilia would watch over Blake and I. It was always so much fun, nine times out of ten I was always with them. I called her Aunt Cecilia for awhile and I knew she didn't mind. But, later they moved. And I knew it was because of Leonardo. I was mad at him for awhile but got over it. I received letters but they stopped. I'm sure they had stuff going on. And now I'm reunited with them. I can't wait to talk with Blake and find out what's been going on! We boarded the ship and set off.

A/N: Happy early Merry Christmas!

Blake-chan and I are in Pirates in Love!Where stories live. Discover now