Chapter Thirteen

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Blake's side

Dad was furrowing his eye brows as he said, "Meh wife is not back yet. I'm worried."

"Dad, her and Captain are probably talking."

"Cecilia and cap usually get into long serious talks, " Eduardo said trying to help my point.

"Somethings wrong. I have to go check it out. But, will someone help me back there?"

I decided to walk back there with Russell by my side. When we came to Captain Morgan's room dad opened without knocking and I went to yell at dad but I stopped as I noticed captain was kissing my mother. Oh shiz. That's when the punches started flying. Mom seemed to be in a daze. I looked to the guys and said, "Break them up! Their both being idiots!"

Russell and Nathan went after meh dad and Eduardo and Chris went after Morgan. Both men glared at one another and I stayed with mom. Slowly mom raised up and she slapped both of them angry.

"You both are idiots! I can't believe either of you! You both are being so unfair! I'm sorry."

Mom walked out. I looked at both men and I said, "Boy things just went from cool to hot real quick."

"Let go of meh, " Dad tried to shake off Russell and Nathan but in stead of that, it only earned dad to be taken to the ground.

Morgan was let go and he said, "I'll do what's best for Cecilia and Blake."

With those words he walked out. Dad was highly ticked and I said, "The more you struggle the worse it'll get."

"Blake, now is not the time. I'm calm. Let go of meh."

The guys let go of my father who ran out. Russell hugged me close.

"This isn't good, " Christopher said.

Cecilia's side

I sighed as I took deep breaths. Why? It wasn't fair that I feel in love with Morgan! Why did I have to fall in love with him? I groaned.

"Cecilia. "

I turned around to see Thompson. He said, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I was just so angry."

"No, I'm sorry. I hurt you. Thompson, I'm not going to stand here and lie to you. I think, no I know that I've fallen in love with Morgan, but I still love you."

Thompson threw his hat down and cursed. I hugged myself and looked down. Thompson and I didn't talk after that. Morgan wouldn't look at me. To cut it short. No one talked. Thompson glared at Morgan who kept eye contact with him the whole time. Neither flinched. Ugh. They both need to get over it and just admit. I stood up and left. I wasn't going to lie to Thompson. I told him the truth. Right now I want to take down Anchor for destroying my whole family! Suddenly I was out.

Morgan's side

I need to say sorry to Cecilia. I broke off the contest and Thompson said, "Going so soon? Where to? Seduce my wife more?"

"Dad! Un-called for! That was not awesome," Blake hollered.

"You suck," Aria said holding Nate hand.

"What did Cecilia see in you, cause all I see is someone heartless, " Yuki says cold from her place by Thomas.

"Everyone be calm."

Everyone seemed to quiet and I raised and looked to Thompson and said, "I never meant for this to happen. Had I known she was married I never would have been so close to her! This is my ship and you'll respect me on my ship! You want to know the reason why Cecilia came to me, because she asked if I would help you guys out! God, Cecilia had no idea what an ungrateful husband she has. I'm not losing her."

I walked out. I wasn't going to put up with Thompson. I meant every word I said. I looked out and noticed a ship. I pulled out a scope and looked through it. Oh no! I dropped the scope and went to look for Cecilia.


I ran around and checked everywhere. Shit! Anchor has her. I ran Into the dining room and everyone looked to me, "Cecilia is missing. Anchor has her."

"Oh no. Not my Cecilia," Thompson looked horrified.

"They have Aunt Cecilia," Aria questioned.

"What are we gonna do," Eduardo questioned.

"We're getting back Cecilia, " I said determined.

"I can help. They practically sleep during the day I don't know why but they do. Attack during the day. I don't like waiting but we have to, " Thompson said.

"Fine, but, if you call this wrong, I'm personally holding you responsible."

"She's my wife. I don't like waiting. I am right. You'll see."

We had to do what Pirates hate the most. Waiting.

A/N: Hi!! I wanted to add more but I just couldn't get it yo make sense and I wanted to publish something. So I hope you still love me. Loves!

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