Chapter I : The Beast

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The mind is a beast
Thoughts can kill
The words it allows to speak can harm
It's a beast that functions all on its on
It controls your every move
Others could be frightened by what the beast can do
The beast lives within us all
Some more stronger than others can resist it's call.
But even the most intelligent can snap
And when the beast is out of control
Who knows what it might make you do
The beast can grow from bad to worse
Almost like a bad seed
It clenches and stresses until it bursts
The beast has been released.
  The sweat dripped down my forehead as I watched my victim struggle to breath as my hands clenched tighter around her throat. She began to relax and soon she was gone. The satisfaction rushed over my body I soon felt relief this temporary high is like no other.

I don't think I'll ever be able to stop...

Killing has always been my release the energy and power that stems from it is like ecstasy. I wait and I prey like a cheetah ready to pounce at any second. And then I steal their lives like a theif in the night feeling no remorse.

I'm never afraid to get caught. I'm far too stealthy and these girls are far too easy to catch. It started when I was young. I watched my own mother die through the crack in a closet while I hid.

It's just another one of their fights I thought to myself. I rocked back and forth as I heard yet another glass shatter. Soon I stopped hearing the yelling and screaming. Soon all the noise subsided just silence. Red. All I saw was red and everything I see now is red... I didn't mean to. I didn't mean to leave her all alone. It's all my fault...

I looked down at my victim and took a deep breath the high was over and now it was time to get rid of her. Basement? No. Lake? No too obvious. Maybe I'll just bury her. I'm not thinking straight anymore. I walked away from her lifeless body. I'll just deal with this in the morning.

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