Chapter VIII: Consideration

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I finally got off work at about 5:30pm. I clocked out, grabbed my apron and walked out the door. I began my long walk home my phone started to ring.
I looked down at the screen "Mercedes" showed across the screen. I put the phone up to my cheek as I continued to walk and remained conscious of my surroundings. The sun was beginning to go down and we all know the "creeps come out at night".

"Hello?" I said
"Hello?!" I said again.
"Hey!"her voice rang through the phone.
"Damn you're so loud, what's up?"I asked as I turned to walk down the next street.This street wasn't exactly the safest one around but I had to walk down it everyday to get to and from work so I didn't mind it much.
"Um well I just knew you were walking home now so I wanted to keep you company on the phone..."she said.
It sounded like she wasn't telling me the whole truth.

"That's the worse lie I've heard in my life what is it? Just tell me what's going on?" I asked.
"Well....Jason may or may not have dropped by earlier our apartment... to see you...And um... I may or may not have told him where you work? " she said
"Of course you did... Explains why he showed up and harassed me at work thanks so much Mercedes " I said sarcastically.
"I'm sorry! Look...the kid really likes you I can tell and not even gonna lie he's super attractive and I heard he's rich? Like he has the total package just let your walls down and give him a chance you had a good time with him the other night didn't you?"she asked

I sighed "yea I guess I did but you know how I am I can't trust guys and Jason he just...idk gives me a weird vibe kinda like I like him...he's a nice guy... I just I'm not so sure about him yet you can never be sure in a place like NYC" "And you'll never be sure if you don't try and if you blow off a perfectly good he's trying so hard and hell if you don't date him I sure as hell will."she laughed. "Whatever... He's mine so don't even think about it." I said becoming suddenly possessive over Jason.

I was shocked cuz I don't usually act like this about a boy that I've just met. "oooo girl don't worry about it now I see how it is he's all yours " she giggles I could just see her smirking. "Shut up I didn't mean it like tha-" "no that's exactly how you meant it Jason's all yours girl and you're all his that's for sure. Now all you have to do is go on a date so stop avoiding him." She said "no-no I didn't mean it like-" "you're in denial now but later you'll be telling me how much you like him so just mark my words... You'll be together soon enough boo. " "but-" "see ya "

Shit what did I just do... Knowing Mercedes she probably is gonna find his number and get him to ask me out and I don't want that. This guy was supposed to be a one night type of deal.. Now all of a sudden he's coming around my job he knows where I live and I've been to his place. I have to stop this before it goes any further....

I unlocked the door to my apartment and found Mercedes sitting on the couch stuffing her face and watching 'Bates Motel' on Netflix aka the usual.
She turned her head as I closed the door behind me. "Hey"she spoke. I just glared at her as I took my jacket and shoes off. "Well then"she says turning her attention back to the tv. I went into my room and took a shower then threw on some lazy clothes and put my curly hair up into a pineapple.

I walked out seeing her still sitting on the couch her eyes glued to the tv. I sat down next to her and grabbed some popcorn from the bowl she was holding, earning a smile from her. "Still mad at me?" She asked "I'm not mad I just.... I don't know about this guy...I don't feel like being hurt like before you know? I still don't think I'm ready to date..."I said grabbing a pillow and cuddling it to my chest as my mind drifted off to Jason.

"I think you are honestly... I think you two would be good for each other and cute! I ship you guys you'd have such cute babies" she says "First of all you've barely talked to him so how do you know if we'd be good for each other and children?! We've never even been on a date before" I said "if you ask me you did "she said "well no one asked you and plus all we did was hang out at his house."I said "and what did you do at his house?" She paused Bates Motel and turned her attention towards me.

"We um well he cooked me dinner" "Check" she said pretending she was holding a clipboard and writing a check. "Then we sat on the couch and talked, he told me about his family and his childhood and what happened between his mom and dad. Then I told him about myself and everything..." I said looking at her "check check and what time did you leave his house?" She asked "um around midni-" "CHECK" she said cutting me off I slightly laughed " then what happened when he dropped you off?" She asked "well he drove here parked and walked me up to our apartment and waited until I unlocked the door he gave me a hug,a kiss on the cheek and then said 'goodnight beautiful' and left..." I said as she screamed "DING DING DING! We have a winner... Darling that's a date."

"But he didn't like take me out or anything we came from a party" "doesn't matter he cooked you dinner and took you back home before midnight and even left without getting a kiss or anything yep that's a date my friend awwww my baby is growing up " she said pretending to wipe tears from her eyes
"Ugh I can't stand you" I said as we heard a knock on the door to our apartment. "Oh, forgot to tell you were having company my friend Vaani I met in my Compositions class is coming over to study." She said getting up. "Well thanks for letting me know..." I rolled my eyes. "You're welcome boo" she said opening the door.

"Come on in"she said cheerfully. In walked Vaani she was very pretty, tall black hair she seemed to have a nice sense of style one thing I for one appreciate very much. I can't stand girls that walk around looking a mess 24/7 or dressing in shorts that cut at their asses and crop tops. I didn't mind girls who knew when it was time to be lazy and when it was time to show up and show out so I think I might like this girl.

"Hi, I'm Vaani you must be Tiana?" she asked her voice was quite gentle but mature. I smiled "in the flesh." I said curtsying. She giggled slightly "very nice to meet you Mercedes talks about you in class a lot and also about your mysterious lover Jason. "She said causing my heart to skip a beat I glared at Mercedes. "Jason and I aren't lovers and he's not mysterious at all so I don't know why she talks about him so much I literally just met him" I said "Well Jason's a big shot.. Everyone pretty much knows him. He's in with all the celebrities and has the best parties. But he's really interesting... God knows I'd love a piece of him he's so attractive but still kinda dark and mysterious you know..." I just nodded my head I didn't like another girl talking about Jason in this way "I'm sorry I rambled to much anyways Mercedes I brought my book so we could study." She said trying to break the tension in the air.

"Yea alright we can get started." Mercedes says as she turns off the tv and clears the table.
Still lost in my thoughts I decided I was just going to turn in for the night. "Well it was nice meeting you Vaani. I'm gonna turn in for the night. Goodnight"
"Goodnight" they said in unison.
I walked off into my bedroom and turned off my light I laid there awhile
Thinking...Thinking of Jason and all we could be.
A/n: this took so long to write lol but anyways hope you all enjoyed comment thoughts tag friends I need more readers :) this character I just introduced is actually one of my readers so you could have the chance to be in on it as well.
Picture of Vaani in multimedia

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