Chapter XV: Karma

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I woke up with a smile on my face for the first time,in a long time. I decided I'd get up and meet Wesley downstairs for breakfast instead of having him come up several flights of stairs to bring me breakfast. As I came down the stairs I saw Wesley and His wife, my housekeeper Marina.

His eyes lit up "Why Goodmorning Master McCann you're up awfully early today." He says getting up from the kitchen counter. "Goodmorning Wesley and Marina. I'm in a good mood this morning I don't know what it is..."I said walking to the refrigerator to get orange juice. "Well if you ask me it's that lovely young lady you've been seeing lately.. What's her name? Hm... Tiana?" Says Marina "Y-Yea that's her name" I said my heart skipping a beat when I heard it.

"You must really like this girl...most of these other girls are around for one night and poof gone" she laughs. "Tiana...she's different...she's special...I have a craving for her that is indescribable and she-she's so beautiful I mean the others were pretty but her beauty is unlike any others. I just have to have her"I let those words escape my mouth before realizing who I was talking to.

I rubbed my neck nervously as a smile grew across Marina's face "Aw look at my boy. He's in loveeee"she says hugging me. You see my relationships with my butler and housekeeper are much different than most high classed people. Marina was like a mother to me.. My mother died when I was young and my father hired both Marina and Wesley.

But...he was terrible to him and when he died...well was killed.
I took them in, they honestly hated the way he treated them.

I pay them well and they know my lifestyle and I can trust them with everything. They know who I am...they know what I am...a monster...
They don't see me that way.
They see that people have addictions and I'm no different then those people except instead of's killing.
But lately I've stopped I have the craving but it's satisfied just by being in Tiana's presence.

Speaking of which I wanted to see her today. I know I was with her last night but I can't get enough of her. I don't wanna seem clingy but I love being around her. I think maybe I'll text her and ask to hang out later after all she did say that we could possibly just cuddle and lay around today. I smirked taking out my phone and unlocking it. I pulled up our message thread "Tiana🌹"

Jason: Goodmorning Beautiful
Delivered 8:30am


I had to open this morning and I was pretty tired from being out with Justin last night. We had just opened up and the cafe was still a little empty as most people this early just want to get their coffee and go. My phone buzzed in my apron and since I had no customers at the time I decided to check my phone.
"Goodmorning Beautiful" showed across the screen. I smiled knowing exactly who it was before even looking up at the name.

"Goodmorning :)" I replied.
"Are you at work?" He asks.
Hm wonder why he's asking.
"Yeah? Why?"I replied "because I wanted to see you...I miss your beautiful face" this caused me to smile because he was actually thinking about me.
"Aw well... Maybe you could come by later?" I smiled as I sent the message.

"Tiana! Why are you on your phone when you're on the clock. what am I paying you for?"she yelled embarrassing me "you're barely paying me at all" I mumble under my breath" "What was that?" She asked tilting her head "Nothing Stacy, I'm sorry"
"You better be... I know you need this job more than anybody here or else you'd be out there working corners or something I mean hell can't keep your legs closed as is" she says walking away.

She's going too far... A prostitute?
Did she just basically say if I didn't work here I'd be a damn prostitute?
This fucking bitch, I'm so sick of her.
I don't know what took over me but I ran up behind her yanking her down by her blonde ponytail. I began to hit her making sharp blows to her face and she struggled to get me off of her. All I heard was the sound of my bones clashing with hers. Everyone was yelling and screaming but I couldn't stop after years of practically being bullied by her I was done. I heard one voice that stopped it all.

"Excuse me? Miss?"
I returned back to reality
"I'm sorry? How may I help you sir?" I asked my next customer. "Um I would like a Grande Cappuccino please" the business man asks. "Any sugar, cream,espresso?" I asked "no thank you."  "Okay that'll be 3.89" I said taking the money from the customer "Keep the change" he said walking to the barista counter. I sighed God did I just imagine that. I really need to get out of this job soon...
Maybe I will take Jason up on that offer...
Kinda short chapter but I'll probably post again today so yea but comment thoughts about Stacy? What do you think should happen to her? Do you think Jason and Tiana will become official comment their ship name! Don't forget to vote!

BraveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora