Chapter XXVII: His Property

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Jason's POV

Last night I decided to stay the night with Tiana not only because I wanted to plan our little vacation so that the girls had things to do while I was doing business. But also to keep an eye on her and make sure that she wasn't getting too curious or suspicious about things.

She sighed and slightly shuffled in her sleep grabbing on to the covers. I smiled lightly wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her close to me. I just watched her as she slept so peacefully a small smile playing on her lips as my arms stayed around her.

I ran my hands through her hair slowly my thumb massaging her temples as she turned over and snuggled into my chest. I slowly kissed her forehead brushing a stray strand of hair behind her ear. I sighed lightly I haven't been this attached and affectionate towards a woman in a long time... Not since before my father killed my ex girlfriend..

I shook the thought from my mind I could tell I was getting angry just thinking about all of that again. I know he's no longer alive to hurt the people I love and that's all that matters to me. I can take my time loving Tiana because I know she's never going anywhere... Even if she thinks she is I've claimed her she's mine until death do us part.

She hummed in her sleep causing me to smile once again. I lightly hummed with her harmonizing with her hums although I couldn't recognized what song she was humming somehow I caught on. A large grin spread across her face before she suddenly began to giggle. Obviously my hums had woken her up.

She giggled looking up at me "I'm sorry was I singing in my sleep"she said blushing in embarrassment. "Eh just a little bit" I laughed as she covered her face. "Baby it was beautiful though I loved it"I said smiling at her. "Thank you I wrote it myself" she smirked and then winked at me.

Causing me to laugh "My baby is so talented wow"I said pulling her closer " 'your baby' ?" She tilted her head to the side similar to what a dog does when you ask it a question .
"Yes, My baby, you're mine and if you don't like the title, ' MY baby' then too bad get over it cuz you're never going to not be my baby again so" I said smirking.

"Oh really huh?"she smirked sitting up straddling me so she could be closer to my face 'intimidating ' me
"Yes Property of Jason McCann" I said running my hands down her back and resting them on her ass. She was lucky I wasn't sure how comfortable she'd be with me slapping it yet so I didn't. Her eyes widened as my hands rested on her ass.

My hands moving up to her hips as she sat on my stomach. "Quite frankly I don't think I mind being 'Property of Jason McCann' she said looking in my eyes. "Oh really? So maybe I should just take you back to my place away from this inner city craziness and you'll live with me" I smirked knowing she wouldn't take my offer.

"Hmm hold your horses Mr.McCann we've got some time before I'm ready for that" she said leaning forward and playing with my lifeless hair because all the gel was gone it laid there on my forehead. "Fine but you will be eventually, that house is too big for me, I need you there" I said allowing my thumb to caress her bottom lip.

"I know babe but I'm just one more body that house still will be too big even with your housekeeper and butler included"she said looking in my eyes. "Oh don't worry" I flipped us so that she was now beneath me and I hovered over her.

"that house will for sure be filled in the future" I said slowly kissing her neck. She giggled "Jasonnn stop it that's not happening anytime soon either " she said pushing my face away. "Mm you say that now just wait... " I said in her ear before kissing behind it and down her neck.

"Jason not happening mm" she bit her lip as I lightly nibbled on her neck. "Oh is someone turned on?" I teased.
"Mm no shush I have to go shower"she said trying to push me off of her. "Let me finish" I said pinning her arms down as I continued to leave hickeys on her neck. "Babeeee we're too fucking old for hickeys" she said a moan escaping her lips as I sucked on her sweet spot.

"I'm claiming what's mine"I said leaving a super dark Hickey on the side of her neck. I let go of her arms "ughh I hate you. Now I have to use like 5 pounds of foundation to cover that" she said. "Who says you have to cover them babe you're mine wear your mark proudly" I chuckled as I got off of her. "No come here I'm marking you now" she said sitting up.

"Okay try it" I smirked as she grabbed my arm I backed away getting off the bed swiftly. She pouted folding her arms over her chest "babeeee cmere" she said sticking out her bottom lip.
I smiled lightly as I walked back to the bed.

"Yes? " I asked as I smiled innocently. She smirked "lay back down, I wanna cuddle some more we should like plan out our trip a little more". I began to sit back on the bed but I knew she was playing me "oh if we're planning the trip then I'll go get Mercedes  " I said getting back up "NO!" she yelled then cleared her throat "I mean no that won't be necessary" She smiled.

"I think that it will because Mercedes would like to be involved in planning too I mean shoot half the reason you guys are going on this trip is her after all right?" I said beginning to take steps towards the door.
"Right but baby" she whines. "Yes?" I asked "I just... Ugh fine"she gave in.
I smiled walking out of the door and going to wake Mercedes up.

Thank god I got out of that one because I knew if she even began to kiss my neck or do anything of that nature it'd be too late for her to stop.
I change when it comes to those things and I don't think she's ready to see that side of me.

Mercedes surprisingly was already awake in the living room she jumped as I called her name "Oh god! J I forgot you were here" I laughed and smirked a little " well I am quite stealthy if I do say so myself" I said folding my arms over my bare chest. She laughed "and you're funny too anyways what's up" she asked.

"So Tiana wants to finish up planning what we're gonna do while we're there but I think we're okay personally but you know"I said "yea I'm sure were good but we can go over stuff like we're set to leave tomorrow morning at this point all we should be doing is finalizing our suitcases and getting snacks and such"she said.

"Well all you guys need is yourselves passports and suitcases you'll be okay with the rest I have you covered "I said "okay well I'll talk to her." She said "okay I have a bit of business to handle but I'll be back later" I said as Mercedes and I walked into Tiana's room. "I'll see you later babe" I said kissing her lips quickly earning an "aw" from Mercedes. I smiled before throwing on my clothes and heading out the door...

I've got some unfinished business with my little problem in the basement and I think its over stayed its welcome...

A/N: uh ohhh what do you thinks gonna happen with "his little problem in the basement"? Or what do you think he should do with it?

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