Chapter XXVI: Looks can be deceiving

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Tiana's POV

As I lie in bed. I heard the door of our apartment open and slam back followed by a sigh and the sound of a bag hitting the floor. I got up seeing Mercedes flop down on to the couch face first. She groaned loudly into the pillow. "Hey what's going on bud" I said sitting on the floor next to the couch.

Mercedes lifted her head "I just wanna get away from here you know you ever just get sick of New York sometimes, the same weird pissy smell and the same drunk hobos roaming the streets, the same fucking misogynistic assholes that catcall you as you walk to class or work or anywhere for that matter?"

"I get it girl, We need a getaway if only we could afford to go away to like the Bahamas or something". "Did I hear the Bahamas " Mercedes and I both jumped as our heads quickly turned to the door. There was Jason standing just inside our apartment closing the door quietly "Sorry I told you I'd be right back babe didn't mean to startle you guys, you left the door unlocked "he said walking over to me and sitting down next to me before kissing my cheek softly.

"Its okay love. Yea you heard us right" I said "well I've been thinking maybe we should go on a getaway after all I did plan on going on vacation this month and I got a little business to take care of in México after would you guys be cool with accompanying me full expenses paid courtesy of yours truly?" He asked "Babe are you sure? We were just talking you know not being for real" "Girl I don't know about you but an all expense paid vacation to the Bahamas after a long week of finals sounds amazing to me"she says.

"Cmon babe besides they're looking into that investigation with the kidnappings thing right? So you don't have work anyways " he said using his charming smile to persuade me. I sighed rolling my eyes playfully "okay, okay I'm in ." I said "yess!"he said a smile playing on his face. "Hmm and how about a shopping spree on me in Manhattan gotta get you ladies some new things to wear for the trip"

"Babe thats not neces- " "ahh ahh ahh let me spoil you a little please princess" he says "yesss let him spoil usss"Mercedes says a smile on her face. "I like her" he says with a chuckle "okay fine "I said giving in once again to him. "Okay let's go!" He said getting up "Babe can we at least eat and relax first Mercedes just got in" I said "No I'm good girl, let's hit the streets " she said getting up full of energy. "Oh lord" I mumbled under my breath getting up and going in my room to get dressed.

Jason followed after me "no wait out in the living room " I said with my hand in the middle of his chest. He frowned "fine" He said turning back around as I closed my door and changed into a suitable outfit to shop in 65°+ weather in Manhattan. A cropped top a pair of ripped jean shorts and some Adidas super stars.

I walked out of my room to see Jason and Mercedes waiting by the door already for me. Mercedes looking as excited as can be. I knew she liked Jason since we met him but now I'm sure she's gonna kill me if I don't marry the boy. She speaks very highly of him and truly believes that he could do no wrong and I don't blame her, I think the same about him just how charming he is could have you hypnotized into believing he's some perfect angel because he sure as hell looks like one.

But looks can be deceiving.

Something about him tells me he's a bad boy although he may not completely look like one. Something tells me he has a lot of emotion pent up and I already know a bit about his dark past. But I don't judge people based on their pasts. You can tell when you look into those piercing bluish-grey eyes that there's something going on behind them.

As we arrived in Manhattan what normally would have been a struggle to find somewhere to park a car was not because Jason owned a business office down here. He parked in his spot and we walked to the shopping district. We began to look around at several stores before Jason insisted we go into Michael Kors, Coach, Gucci,and Prada at least to see if their was anything we liked of course Mercedes found a few things as did I but I didn't want him to buy them. Of course he bought them anyways.

One thing I noticed was wherever we went many people seemed to know him stopping him to shake their hands and to exchange a short conversation while we shop. People probably thought we were like his sugar-babies or something but clearly not the case.

I didnt pay attention to most of the people he talked to until one girl came up to him I had noticed her eyeing me the whole time I was in the store. I just brushed it off and kept it moving. Until she decided to approach Jason, I decided I would interrupt after she was speaking to him too long.

Jasons POV

I was enjoying spending time shopping with my girlfriend and her best friend watching them laugh and giggle and try on things until someone tapped me on my shoulder. I turned around and immediately whispered "What are you doing here?!" I said as Veronica stood before me "I work here what are you doing here with these two girls?" She asked folding her arms over her chest "I took them shopping thats my girlfriend and her best friend over there" I said.

"Oh how cute you have to take them out shopping cuz they're so broke?"she laughed a little too hard for my liking. "No they're not broke so back off and stop being an asshole " I said to her before feeling Tiana's hands on my chest her arm wrapping around me from behind "Everything okay over here babe ?" She asked as she looked over my shoulder her eyes burned into Veronicas skull .

"Yea everything's fine baby"I said keeping calm "I was just leaving" she said before walking away "oh that's what I thought"she said before grabbing my hand and walking back to Mercedes keeping me by her side. "So what was that about?" She asked curiously "I don't know was just some jealous ex who was upset I was with you" I said quickly.

"Oh hm I see"she said letting go of my hand as she continued to shop she almost seemed upset with me most of the rest of the time although she genuinely tried to brush it off.

It just almost seems as if she doesn't trust me especially around women of Veronica's nature. I have to do whatever I can to win her trust back. Because I can't afford to lose that at least not yet...

A/N: Hey guys! So sorry for the late updates even tho 1pm was supposef to be my original update time unfortunately I may not be updatinf again until next week because I'm soooooo busy this week but I will try I have a flight on Thursday at 4:30am so I have time when I'm in the airport and in the plane but when I get to where I'm going I can't be all on my phone. So I will update when I can. PS Thank you all for 41K+ READS I LOVE YOU ALL KEEP UP WITH THE COMMENTS AND FEEDBACK IT HELPS ME ALOT AND IF YOU HAVE IDEAS DM ME HERE OR MY INSTAGRAM!!

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