Chapter XXXIII: Good Morning

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I dropped the phone looking at Mercedes trying to convince myself this was a dream.

The woman was mean and nasty towards me when she was alive but it doesn't mean she deserved to die, She had a family just like me or anyone else. "Tiana?? Tiana?? Are you still there?" "Uh y-yea I'm sorry I'm just in shock" I managed to choke out. "They claim it was her husband but to some it looks more like a suicide since they're investigating a possible murder now I'm assuming they're going to reinterview all of us to see if any new details pop up... just wanted to warn you love. It's gonna be wild when you get back"she said

"Yea I appreciate it otherwise I would've found out on social media... I'll see you when I get home hopefully" I said shaking my head still in shock. "Alright love try to enjoy your vacation" she said before we hung up.

"Stacy's fucking dead... I-I don't even know what to say" I said still shaking my head "wasn't she your racist ass boss?" She asked.

"She may have been mean to me but no one deserves to die" I said before getting up and pacing. "I've never had to deal with someone in my life dying in an unnatural way especially possible murder" I said unconsciously running into Jason's chest because I failed to realize he had entered the room. He instantly wrapped his arms around me. "What happened babygirl" he asked before kissing my forehead. His fresh clean smell invading my nostrils creating a sense of calm and comfort.

"M-my boss she-she's dead" I said shaking my head. "Damn...I mean didn't she get what she deserves she was an evil person" he said not showing a sign of empathy. "No Jason no just because someone is mean doesn't mean they deserve to be murdered in cold blood" I said shaking my head as I pulled away from him. "But baby shit happens karmas a bitch maybe it just finally caught up with her" he said again trying to justify it.

"No Jase murder is not karma catching up with you... it's someone taking gods avengence in their own hands. It's someone playing god and I'm not a fan. Yes she was gonna get hers either way but not fucking murder" I said growing angry and frustrated with them. "Baby there's no point in stressing over someone who just would've saw you as another black girl who was worth nothing dead on the street if it were the other way around. So why...why give a single fuck" he asked growing frustrated as well.

"Because I'm not a horrible person like her- like she was" I said shaking my head. "I know you're not you're so innocent and sweet that's why I-I lo-like you so much, you bring out the good and look for the good in everyone" he said engulfing me in his tattooed covered arms. "I just can't help but hurt for her family" I said shaking my head. "I know babygirl but they'll heal just like you did from the damage she inflicted" he said rubbing my back before kissing my forehead.

We heard a knock on the door indicating that our food was here Mercedes opened the door allowing room service to come in and set our food out. We tipped and thanked them before closing the door.

We all sat down and began to eat. By the time we were done I was over this entire night and I just wanted to go straight to bed.

On the contrary, Chandler and Mercedes wanted to play board games all night, I wasn't feeling it and of course Jason didn't want me to go to bed alone so he followed suit.

He laid on the bed patting the area right next to him. I gave him a slight smile before crawling onto the bed and snuggling up to him laying my head on his chest and throwing my leg over his torso. He began to rub my back before kissing my forehead. "Get some rest babygirl we're in for a fun day tomorrow".

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