Chapter II: Hooked At First Sight

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A/N: Characters are in the multimedia

"Girl you have to come out with us tonight" said Mercedes. I groaned "C'mon Tiana, you haven't been out since you and Jared broke up. You need to live a little"my other friend Princess said.

"I don't want to, I'm fine with staying right here and watching Netflix alone while eating pizza or something" "no you're getting out of this goddamn bed and you're coming out with us now. Girl you have to get back into the dating scene" she said before pulling me up from the bed.

I sighed deeply, they were right I needed to get out there and start dating again. I'm better than just sulking in the bed all day and I could definitely do better than Jared. After all this was Princess's last night in town before she goes to visit her parents for a month and I really wanted to spend time with her.

I opened my bathroom door being sure to lock it behind me and took a shower shaking the emotions right off with the dust I had accumulated whilst lying there.

I got out of the shower, combing through my curly dark brown hair deciding to straighten out my hair today. I made sure my hair was dry and began to run the flat iron through my now silky dark hair. I looked at myself in the mirror for the first time in a couple weeks. I wasn't happy that I'd let this guy effect me so much so that all I did was stay in bed crying for days. It was time to get out there and experience life as a single woman again. I smirked as I began applying makeup and saw a drastic change. As I looked in the mirror and smiled seeing the transformation. I look amazing if I do say so myself.

Now for a killer fit.

I got out of the bathroom and walked into my closet and searched through the dresses that haven't been touched in months. I settled on a cute paint splash T-shirt dress . I slipped on some tan knee high heels and I was ready to go.

Later at the club

I walked into the club the aroma of alcohol and sweaty half drunk people hitting my nostrils. Ah how I missed that smell. I began to walk to the bar scanning the room. "Alright first round is on me ladies" I looked to my left and saw a young man about 6' but soooo not my type.
I didn't want to be rude so I simply smiled at him and let him know I would not be taking him up on his offer. Leaving my friends at the bar, I walked off to the dance floor just wanting to dance on my own and possibly scan the room.

As I was dancing I felt a hand graze my hip. "Oh great"I thought to myself. I continued dancing and attempted to peer over my shoulder to see my forceful and clearly intoxicated dance partner. I tried to move away from him but he soon grabbed me pulling me in closer. I glared back at my uninvited dance partner and took in his appearance. I sighed "please get off of me" I said but of course he couldn't hear me because of the loud music in the club.

The song ended and I walked away from him quickly and back to the bar where he followed me, and grabbed my arm as I tried to tug away "cmon don't be like that" he said causing my eyes to narrow "be like what " I said with attitude I could tell he was growing angry. "You know you wanna come home with me so... lets go. There's no use in playing hard to get" he says close enough for me to smell his alcoholic breath. He then grabs my hand beginning to drag me slightly. I looked back at my friends and mouthed 'help'. No one seemed to notice how unwarranted his behavior was towards me.

As we inch closer to the door he stumbled giving me the opportunity to pry his hand from mine. We reached the parking lot and I realized my friends weren't helping, I tugged away at least now it was quiet enough for him to hear me. "I don't want to go home with you"I said tugging away and breaking free. "I'm sorry goodnight, I'll call you an Uber you are far too drunk to drive anywhere" I said and began to walk away. Suddenly he grabbed hold of me fully wrapping his arms around my torso and lifting me up "HELP" I began to yell. Of course the first time I go out this happens.

He began to walk to his car with me kicking and practically screaming and then suddenly his grip loosened... I heard a thump as he fell to the ground. When I looked up I saw a tall white male pretty well built but still skinny, dirty blonde/Brunette hair in some sort of quiff style his fists were balled and he looked down at the guy his face was hardened and red "leave her alone"his deep yet raspy voice uttered.

It was quiet but something was so powerful and somewhat frightening about it. "She's mine dude back off, I saw her first" the clearly drunken man says while still on the ground. "Clearly she's not if she didn't wanna go home with you. Now just quit while you're ahead and leave her alone or next time it won't be pretty believe me" "whatever" the guy mumbled as he got up, dusting himself off and cursing under his breath as he walked away.

"Thank you so much" I noticed his face soften as soon as I began to speak. "No problem sorry that guys are such pigs, I'm Jason pleasure to meet you" he says stretching out his hand to help me up and I softly grasped it getting up with his assistance.

"Nice to meet you Jason, I'm Tiana and don't apologize for other men you seem like a great guy" I smiled "thank you"he smirks "well I should be heading back in"I said looking inside at my friends who looked concerned as they stood at the door. "Yea you should probably get back to your friends."he said."yea, well hopefully I'll see you around here sometime soon" I winked "goodnight " I said before walking into the club "goodnight beautiful" he utters as he turns away fading into the night.

A/N: I'm so sorry it's taken so long to update but I will be starting to try and update everyday it'll probably be easier to update this rather than interracial imagines.❤️Still deciding what Tiana will look like I'll post the picture tomorrow hopefully and update tomorrow.

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