Chapter 16

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Natsu ran up to Lucy as she walked out of the field. I followed after him. She stopped when she noticed him and she smiled. Stopping in front of her and pausing for breath, Natsu finally said, "Lucy that was so badass! I didn't know you could fight like that! I knew you would win but damn!" he said beaming.

Her face turned pink, "T-thanks Natsu." she looked the other way.

Our thoughts were interupted when the announcer came on over the speaker, "We will be pausing the competition for a short lunch break, in about thirty minutes the matches will start up again." he said.

"Oh yeah! I forgot that it's already noon!" Lucy stated. As if on cue Natsu's stomach growled and we all laughed "Well, you want to go grab a bite to eat Lucy?" Natsu asked. "Of course!" she replied as he took her hand and ran off toward the food stands.

All I could think was, 'O. T. P!!!!' I had to cut my fangirling short due to the fact that I had to follow them. Finally they stopped at a stand and ordered Takoyaki. After the left and sat down I ordered some as well and sat at a table not to far away.

I started to listen in on their conversation. "How's your Takoyaki?" Lucy asked. "Pretty good actually. Yours?" he replied. "Great!" she smiled. "By the way, where did you learn to fight like that?" Natsu questioned. "Well I asked Leo and the other spirits to help me train because of how much I screwed up at the Grand Magic Games. Looks like it worked." she explained.

"You didn't screw up. You did amazing. Those people back then, they were cheating and using methods that were outrageously cruel. It's not your fault. If you had been able to really let loose, you'da had them!" Natsu said. "Thank you Natsu. That means a lot really." Lucy blushed and looked down. "No problem! I love it when you smile!" he replied.

I did a double take. 'Wha!!! My ship!! It's too beautiful!! Wait, get a hold of yourself Mira!!' I yelled in my head. Lucy looked shocked too. When Natsu realized what he said he turned red. "Uh-" "Matches are starting in five minutes!" the announcer said.

'Damn it! Every time! That announcer just has PERFECT timing skills! Keep it together Mira. She heard him say it. That's a step." I said in my mind.

Then to my dismay I realized, 'Holy crap, what if Natsu does make the first move?!'

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