Chapter 32.

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Just to let everyone know this book will be ending at Chapter 35 only because I don't want it to be too long. But don't worry there will be a sequel called 'Unbreakable' which will be published right after the last chapter of this book.-Shay


I sat in the car with my earphones in as me and Aug waited in traffic.

"Mama,Mama,Mama." Kennedy called in the backseat as Aug tapped the steering wheel.

"When is she going to stop?" Aug groaned.

"When she learns a new word." I giggled.

Today was the day we were going to learn the sex of our baby and I was beyond excited.

"Mamaaaaaa." Kennedy yelled as Aug groaned louder.

We've been stuck in traffic for 15 minutes since we didn't leave early enough. I admit it was my fault because I couldn't decide what to wear. I've gained 10 pounds this month and I'm offically restricted to wearing t-shirts and sweat pants, which I'm completely fine with.

Ms. Sheila and Cha keep suggesting maternity clothes but I refuse to wear it because I think it makes me look old so until I find cuter clothes I'll be in sweats and t-shirts.

The traffic finally started to move as Kennedy began to cry. Not only is she learning to talk but Cha recently told me she's teething too.

I reached in the back seat and gave her a cold teething ring which calmed her down some.

We were off the highway before I knew it and pulled up to the doctor's office.

I went in and signed in while Aug got Kennedy out of the car.

"M-" Kennedy started but when she looked at Aug she stopped.

"That's right baybeh." Aug smiled in approval as I shook my head at the two.

"Kehlani Parrish?" The nurse asked as I got up.

Me and August who was holding Kennedy walked into the room as I sat on the table.

We waited and talked about small things since we were both nervous and about 5 minutes later the doctor walked in.

"Hello." Dr. Brown smiled as she greeted us.

"Hello." Me and Aug both said in unison.

"Dr. Brown this is my fiance August." I said as she shook his hand.

"So you two are here for an ultrasound?"

"Yes and we were wondering if we could find out the sex of the baby today?"

"You sure can just let me prepare your stomach and we can get started."

As I laid back and had the cool gel put onto my stomach I realized I wasn't nervous anymore. I was more excited than anything.

"Ok see that little oval shape right there?" Dr. Brown asked as she pointed to the screen.


"That's your...oh wait."

"Is everything okay?" I asked looking at the screen.

"It seems that there's two ovals in there." Dr. Brown laughed.

"Which means?" Aug asked.

"Well it looks like you two are gonna be the parents of twins." She chuckled.

"What?!" Me and Aug both shouted.

"Congratulations, now would you like to know the sex of the babies?"

"Y-yes please." I said while still in shock.

Me and August watched cautiously as she moved the screen around and zoomed in.

"One is definetly a boy. He's right at the top." She said as she showed me the screen again making Aug smile from ear to ear.

"It seems that the other one is trying to hide." She mumbled as she zoomed in closer.

"And you're also having a little girl." She spoke as I busted out laughing in joy.

I watched as the word 'twins' finally started to set in for Aug as he sat there with his mouth partially open staring into space.


"Mr. Alsina? Mr. Alsina are you alright?" Lani's doctor asked as I focused my attention on her.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said as I cleared my throat.

I looked at the sonogram picture in my hand to make sure this was reality.

I know children are a blessing but I think I was only prepared for one at a time.

"Babe are you okay?" Lani asked as she got up from the table.

"Yeah. Bae?"


"We having two once?"

"Yep that's what's on the picture." She laughed.


"I think you know how Aug."

"I mean like how we gonna take care of two once?"

"And Kennedy's not even gonna be one and a half yet. But we'll make it work."

"Yeah. We will."

I always wanted two maybe three kids but not 2 at a time. I sat and tried to figure out how everything would work out since I work nights and I knew Lani couldn't work for a while.

I sighed and mumbled.

"Lord help me."


This chapter was so easy to write.

What y'all think about the twins?

Didn't see that coming did ya?

These next 3 chapters which will be the final 3 for this book will be focused on the wedding.

You might've guessed it the wedding will be Chapter 35 but of course there's gonna be drama leading to the big day.- Shay

P.S. If you loved this book you'll love 'Unbreakable even more.

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