Chapter 4 - All day with luke

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Crystals pov

3 years later (so crystal is three years old)

Mom and dad have dinner today with some friends and all my brothers are going except Luke cause he volunteered to watch me. Probably because he wants to be closer with me since we don't spend that much time together since he is always busy with his singing and youtube."Alright bye crystal but Luke be good!", Mom said. "Dont worry mom she is in good hands." Luke said. They left and I was on the couch playing with my teddy bear mr cuddles. He is very fluffy and brown with a pink bow tie. He is my favorite teddy because he is the first stuffed animal I got.My brothers all bought it for me! "Alright crystal mom said you need a bath and bedtime is 8:00pm so lets go ahead and have dinner ya?" "Otay!". Luke went to the kitchen and I watched him from the couch. He grabbed some craft macoroni and started to boil the water for the noodles. Then he got out some hotdogs and put 4 on a plate and put them in a microwave. I then realized I had to pee.......BAD!

"LUKE!!!!" I screamed. He looked over at me in panic and raced over to me.

"What's wrong are you alright?!?!?!?!" He said with worry in his voice.


"Alright crystal calm down". He picked me up and rushed me to the bathroom upstairs. I got on the toilet and gave him a glare that meant "get out before I do something ill regret", he got the message and stood outside the door.

When I finished I pulled back up my pants and washed my hands then walked out the door.

"Are u all good now?" He asked. "Ya I alright. Do u wanna color wif me?" I asked.

"Sure but we need to have dinner first then we can color. But after we color you need a bath alright?"
"Fine". So we went down stairs and Luke picked me up and sat me in my high chair and handed me my sippy cup with apple juice in it. He went back to the food and dished me up some macaroni and cut up the hotdogs and put them in there. He brought over to plates and sat next to me. He started to feed me and that's when I realized mr. Cuddles was not with me. Tears welled up in my eyes. "Aww sis what's the matter why u crying?' he asked worried.
"MR. CUDDLES IS NOT WITH ME!!!!" I sobbed.
Luke picked me up and cradled me rocking me back and forth. "sssshhhhh baby girl it's ok ill get it for u your alright." He said calmly. I finally stopped crying and he went over and grabbed mr. cuddles and handed him to me. "see all better!" . I smiled at him and then we finished dinner. "alright crystal it's bath time then after bath time we will color alright?" "otay." I said.

He took me upstairs and walked into the bathroom and set me on the sink. He walked over to the tub and ran the wanted. "ill be right back I need to go get some towels stay here and don't make a mess ok?" he said. " aye aye captain." I said. He smiled and walked away. I jumped of the counter and waked over to the tub and grabbed the bubble bath. I dumped the whole bottle in then went back over to the sink. Just then Luke walked back in with my pink fluffy towel. "alright sweetheart come here." he said.

I walked over to him and he picked me up and when he turned to take me to the tub, the tub was overflowing with pink bubbles.

"CRYSTAL WHAT DID U DO."he yelled. This scared me so I leaped out of his arms and ran to my room and his under my bed. I could here like clean up the mess and I felt bad.After I heard the water turn off I heard him walking to my room. I was so scared I was shaking.

"Crystal please come out I'm sorry I did not mean to yell." he said.

I slowly walked out from under my bed and crawled toward him with tears in my eyes. I love Luke alot don't get me wrong but I hate it when he yells or when anyone yells. I hate being yelled at. I am very emotional.

Luke picked me up and walked over to my rocking chair. He grabbed mr. cuddles and gave him to me. He rocked me back and forth until I stopped crying.

"Crystal I didn't mean to yell at you but u still need to be punished for disobeying me I told u to stay in the counter."

I knew what he was gonna do. He was gonna spank me.

He put me over his lap and pulled my pants down.


"It's alright this is just to teach u a lesson I won't go rough."

He pulled my underwear down next and I was already sobbing.He started to rub my bum trying to soothe me and then......SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMCAK SMACK SMACK. He gave me ten spanks then rubbed my bum while I sobbed.

"Ssshhhh your ok it's over now u did so good!"

He then pulled my underwear and pants back up and carried me downstairs.

"We might as well watch a movie since they will be home soon but when they get home u will take a bath alright?" "Otay." So we watched wreck it Ralph for a while till mom texted Luke saying they were on their way home.

Hey guys hope u liked it and I an gonna try to start making my chapters longer like this one or even longer so ya hope u enjoyed it. Comment vote and eat watermelon for me. BYE PUPS!!!🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🍉🐶🍉🐶🍉🐶🍉🐶🍉🍉🍉🍉🐶🍉🐶🐶🐶

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