Chapter 14-Escaped!!

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Mackenzie's pov

Joey looked really mad. I didn't know what to do! He started walking over to Crystal. She was shaking. I knew I had to do something.  I knew I had to get her out of here. I did the only thing I thought I could do in that moment. I grabbed a pan that was on the stove and walked up behind Joey quietly as he was scolding Crystal. She saw me but hid it so Joey didn't turn around. He was about to pick her up and take her upstairs for a spanking when I wacked him on the head with the pan.....hard may I add. Joey fell to the floor unconscious. Crystal was smiling. Gosh she is the cutest thing! I picked her up and we went into Joey's room looking for her big girl clothes. As soon as we found them she went and changed but I told her to hurry before Joey wakes up.

As soon as she got changed we went downstairs. We were headed out the door when I felt a hand grip my leg. I thought it was Crystal so I started laughing. "Oh you silly little girl!" I said. "Umm that's not me!" Crystal said. My smile dropped and I looked down. It was Joey. I started to scream. However Joey was to weak to get up off the floor. I guess I hit him pretty good. "Mackenzie please!" He said barely above a whisper. "Please stay with me, you could be Crystal's mom, we could be happy together!" he said. "I'd rather stab my eyeball with a knife!" I screamed at him. His grip on my leg became tighter. I tried to pry him off but he was to strong. I threw my car keys at Crystal and she caught them. "Go start my car I will be out in a second!" I shouted. She nodded and ran out to the car. I tried kicking Joey's face but he just smiled. WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM. I dragged him on my leg to the kitchen. I grabbed the pan and was about to hit him again but then I saw him crying. "Mackenzie please I...I love you!" He said in tears. I really felt bad for him. But I just didn't feel that way about him. I looked at him one last time and hit him over the head. I was in tears as he passed out. I just felt really bad. I pushed his hand off my leg and laid it down next to him. I headed to the front door. I looked at his body one last time and walked out. I headed to my car. Crystal was sitting in the front seat. I got in the car and looked at her and gave her a sad smile. She gave one back to me. "So what's your address?" I asked. "I don't know I haven't memorized it yet." she said. "I hope we can find it I miss my big brother Felix!" She said as she started to cry. "Wait....Felix Garcia?" I asked. She looked up at me and nodded. "Do you know him?" she asked. "Yes I do we went to school together plus my friend is dating him." I said. I knew exactly where she lived now. I started to drive and Crystal started to fall asleep. Gosh she was so darn cute. I hope Joey is ok but I also hoep he leaves Crystal and I alone and gets the help he needs. We pulled into Crystals drive way and I got her out of the car and carried her to the house. I knocked on the door and Felix answered the door. "OH MY GOSH CRYSTAL'S OK WE HAVE BEEN LOOKING EVERYWHERE FOR HER!" He screamed. He took her out of my arms and walked into the house. "Thank you so much for finding her Mackenzie but it's kind of late so can you come over tomorrow at like 2 and tell me what happened and everything?" he asked. "Of course, I should probably be getting going anywhere so ya I will be back tomorrow!" I said. He closed the door and I got back in my car and drove home.

Felix's pov (yay!)

I took Crystal up to her room and tucked her in. Gosh I missed her so much. I was about to leave her room when I heard her whimper. I turned around to see her looking up at me tears welling in her eyes. I ran over to her and picked her up rocking her back and forth. "What's wrong sweetheart?" I asked. "I don't want to be alone....can you sleep with me?" She asked tears rolling down her face. "Of course." I said. I laid her back in her bed and took my shirt off. I crawled in on the other side. I held her close to me and listened to her soft breathes. I kissed her forehead and fell asleep holding my little sister.

Joey's pov (Oh gosh!)

I woke up on the kitchen floor. After remembering everything that happened I became angry. I punched the wall and knocked down anything I could get my hands on. I can't let Crystal go. And now that Mackenzie knows my secret......she has to go.

UH OH!!! Comment below what you think will happen next. I'm so tired. I love you all and im so tired! lol I alrady said that. Plz comment and vote. If I get 10 comments I will update asap. But each comment has to be from a different person. And no my replies don't count as a comment. LOVE YOU ALL!!!!BAI!!!!!!1

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