Chapter 8- my brother?!?!

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(Pic of crystals real brother played by Jerry purpdrank)

Crystals pov

As the van was driving away I realized I was in it. I started screaming for help until I heard a voice.

"shhh please be quiet Crystal we are almost their." A mans voice said. I stayed quiet just incase he was a killer or something.

I finally fell asleep and I woke up to the van pulling n somewhere. I heard the mans door close and I got scared. Is he gonna kill me? Will I ever see Joey or any of my brothers again? I started freaking out.

He opened the door and I saw a African American man. He looked friendly. He reached his hand out for me and I flinched.  I thought he was going to hit me.  He then carefully picked me up and put me on his hip and started bouncing me. I started to giggle. 

"Who are you?" I asked.  "im your older brother jerry." he replied.

I was confused. I didn't know I had ANOTHER brother. Named Jerry.

He took me inside a house and sat me on a couch.

"So will I ever see my other brothers again?"

"Soon crystal, but not now." "Right now I need to keep you save from joey."

Keep me save from Joey? But why?!?!

I finally updated after 50000 years yay its summer now so I should be updating again sorry for the wait abigails back baby bye pups!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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