Chapter 6-perverted teacher?!??

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(Crystal in kindergarten)

Crystals pov

"Trouble what do u mean trouble." I asked

" Ok don't freak out but the most perverted teacher in the school is coming our way." Sookie said

"What does perverted mean?" I asked.

"Um we will talk about that later what we need to worry about is getting past him." sookie said

"Um ok but how we gonna do it,"
I asked

I looked over at the "perverted" teacher and saw him watching some young girls walking away while he licked his lips.

Nasty old man.

"Ok here's the plan your going to fake cry and I'm gonna pretend to comfort you while we speed walk to the classroom ok?" Sookie said

"Ok that sounds good lets do this."

I started to fake cry and sookie grabbed on to my shoulders and saying soothing things like "its ok"
Or "your fine" we started walking past the "perverted" teacher when he grabbed my arm.

I did the only thing little girls do when there grabbed by strangers.

I screamed bloody murder.

I Screamed for my life.

"Hey Hun it's ok I'm not going to eat u." the man said

I looked up at him and he didn't look that scary.

"Are you alright sweetheart?" he asked

I cringed when he called me sweetheart. Only Joey gets to call me sweetheart!

"Ya I'm fine I have a question though."

"Ok what's your question?"
He asked.

"Are you perverted cause my friend here says you are and I don't know what it means?" I said.

"What?!?" the man said.

"Um crystal, u weren't supposed to say that out loud!"

"Oops sorry," I said

"Why don't u girls come with me?" he said.

I looked over at sookie and she was shaking her head no. I couldn't let my bestie get in trouble so I did the only thing I could do. I kicked him where the sun don't shine bright.

"AAAAHHHH!!!" he screamed.

"RUN!!!!" I yelled.

So me and sookie ran off to class.

The school day was pretty nice. I learned about shapes and numbers, and I met a few of sookie a friends named Ellen and Okami. The perverted teacher was always looking at us when we walked down the halls and he gave me a bad feeling, but I brushed it off.

The school days almost over so I grab my bag and sit on the bench in the front of the school with sookie.

"Well to day was fun!" I said.

"Ya especially this morning! You are a great actor and an amazing kicker!" sookie said.

"Aww thx sookie we are defiantly partners in crime!" I said

We both started laughing and that's when joeys car pulls up.

"That's my ride, it was really nice meeting you sookie I'm glad were friends." I said

"No we not friends, we besties for the restie!" she screamed

We both Burst out laughing. I gave her a hug and headed for joeys car.

" Hi jojo!" I said

"Hi princess how was the first day of school." he asked.

"It was good I even met a perverted teacher! I don't know what perverted means?" I said

" You what?! Crystal this teacher didn't touch you or do anything to u did he?!?"

"No but I kicked him in his balls."

" What?!?!" He screamed

"Ok when we get home your going in the corner, it is not ok to kick someone their especially a teacher?!?!"

"But jojo I-"

"No buts."

We rode home in an awkward silence.

When we got home I hung my bag up and walked to my naughty corner and stood there. I feel bad for calling the teacher that but in my defense I don't know what perverted means.

After about 10 min in the naughty corner joey called me over to him.

"Now crystal why were you in the corner?"

"Because I called a teacher perverted even though I don't know what it means?" I asked.

Joey looked like he was trying to keep a laugh in.

"Yes that's correct." he said

"Um joey when are mommy and daddy coming home?" I asked

Joey cringed when I said daddy.
I don't understand why?

"They'll be home in 3 weeks." he said.

"Just enough time." he mumbled

"Enough time for what?" I asked.

"Oh nothing sweetheart. Why don't you go play in your room or color or something, I need to um go in my office and uh take care of some things. he said.

"Oh ok!' I said and ran upstairs.

I wonder what he met by take care of some things. I grabbed some stuffed animals and took them to my little tea party table. I set them in their seats and serves them their fake tea. Then I say done next to mr. snuggles and we talked about our days.

Joeys pov ( yay)

Once I heard crystals door close to her room I headed for my parents room. I found all of our birth certificates and took out crystals. I took it to my office and did some research on her. I can't wait until I move and take crystal with me. All I need to do is get all right to her and make sure she has no contact with the family. I was going to kidnap her and take her seceretly but that's a little risky. I need to do this before mom and ugh dad get home. I swear if she calls that old man daddy one more time ill put a bullet through his head. She is my baby girl not his!

I got online and searched for everything and anything I could fine on crystal. As soon as I did that I got my keys and headed for town hall to get rights to her. I'm pretty sure I have to go to court but I have a good friend who is a lawyer. Tyler Oakley is gonna make sure I win.

I went an got crystal and explained to her that I had to go do some stuff and she would stay with Kalel till I gt back.

After I dropped her off I went to town hall with Tyler to get a court date set. I might not have crystal by the time my parents get back but I will win this court thing, even if I have to lie.

Hey guys hope you enjoyed it please comment what you think happens next and the most creative will get a shout out. Hope u all had a wonderful christmas and shout out to @fifibear1 she is just awesome please go check her out and send her some love. I LOVE YOU ALL MY PUPPIES🐶🐶🐶

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