Chapter 22-Noooooo Dwayne!

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Dwayne's pov (Grab your tissues for this chapter)

After I got off the phone with Crystal's dad I went back into the living room. Joey was staring at his phone angrily. When he heard me coming he looked up quickly and smiled. "Who was that on the phone?" He asked while blinking rapidly. "Oh, just an old friend." I said. He smiled and got up. "I'm going to get Crystal, why don't you stay for dinner!" He said. He was kind of starting to freak me out. "Umm...sure I guess?" I said. He went upstairs to get Crystal. Something was off about him. I just can't figure out what. He came back downstairs with a sleepy Crystal. Her cheeks were stained with tears. Oh that poor little girl. When walked into the kitchen and Joey asked if I could entertain her while he made breakfast. So he handed me Crystal and we went into the living room to play. Since we are alone I think it's time to tell her why I'm really here. "Crystal I need to tell you something but you can't tell your daddy ok?" I said in a baby voice. She had a paci in her mouth but quickly pulled it out. "Look Dwayne was it? Just because I am forced to be a baby and forced to call him Daddy doesn't mean I enjoy this. That crazy lunatic will never be my daddy and there is no need to talk to me in that kind of voice got it?"She said harshly. I didn't realize how much she wanted to leave. "Sorry Crystal." I said. "It's fine now what did you want to tell me?" She asked. "Well you see, I was on the phone with your real father, I told him I know where you are but didn't have time to give him the address." I said. "Wait, you are helping me escape?" she asked. "Yep! As soon as Joey trusts me enough to leave us alone in the house we will leave okay? But don't tell him or get your hopes up. It might be a while before he trusts me." I said. She nodded.

Joey's pov

How stupid does he think I am. These freaking walls aren't sound proof. Plus I could here his conversation on the phone. He is going to get me in a lot of trouble. I can't let that happen. So I decided how I was going to get rid of him. I continued making our meals. I made Crystal some oatmeal with some cut up strawberries and pineapple. Then I made Dwayne and I's meal. We were having bacon, scrambled eggs and toast. (Yes I know Joey is vegan but let's pretend he is not in my story ok? ok.) But I put a little something special in Dwayne's eggs.

I called Dwayne and Crystal for breakfast. They came into the dining room and Dwayne set Crystal in her high chair giving her a sympathetic look. I can't wait till he is gone. I set Crystals meal in front of her and started to feed her. She was eating without a struggle! This was shocking. I turned to my meal and started eating holding my shiny object in my lap. As I continued to eat I heard someone gasping for air and I started to smile. Then I heard a thump but I continued to eat. Then I heard Dwayne yell. "CRYSTAL OH  MY GOSH!" I looked at him confused and turned to see that Crystal fell out of her chair and her mouth is foaming. Oh no! I put the poison in the wrong meal!!!!! I got up and picked her up. I grabbed my keys off the counter and ran to my car. Dwayne was right behind me. What have I done? I almost killed my baby girl! I tossed Dwayne the keys and got in the passengers seat with Crystal. Then Dwayne sped off to the hospital.

When we got there I jumped out of the car and ran into the hospital and started screaming. "HELP! SOMEONE HELP! MY BABY GIRL IS SICK!" I screamed. Paramedics rushed in and took her from me while one of them held me back. I watched as they laid her on a hospital bed and rushed her down the hall. I was sobbing by now. I went over and sat in a chair. Then Dwayne comes in and sits next to me. He asks if I need anything and I said no. All I am worried about is Crystal. I slowly drifted asleep.

Sorry this was shorter but I needed a cliffhanger.

1. Do you think Crystal will survive?

2. what was the shiny object in Joey's lap

3. what will happen to Joey? Will he get caught?

4. Who wants me to start doing an Afrikaans word of the day?

Please answer the questions and comment and vote! Also please follow me if you haven't yet.

LOVE YOU ALL BAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :3

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