Chapter 30-Ash the liar

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Crystal's pov

I saw Ash's car pull up in the driveway. I don't know why i was so excited. He honked his horn and flashed his signature smile. Why am i feeling this way? I have Leon. I walked over to his car. 

"Hey Crystal ready to go?" he asked. "Ya, where are we going?" i asked. "You will see." He drove off and i noticed he had a bag of gummy bears and a root beer laying in the front seat. He saw me looking at it. "I bought it for you ya know." He said. I smiled at him and said a quick thanks. I opened the pop listening to it sizzle. I took a sip feeling the cool liquid go down my throat. It was refreshing.  I opened the  bag of gummy bears and started eating them one by one. I offered some to ash but he politely refused. I shrugged my shoulders and continued to eat them. I started to feel dizzy and sleepy. I decided to fall asleep, Ash would wake me up...right? I finally gave in and let the darkness consume me. 

Ash's pov (joey)

It actually worked! The drugs finally kicked into her system. I knew she wasn't going to wake up for a while.  Which is perfect for what i have in store for us. I continued to drive to walmart. I needed to get some supplies. I pulled into the parking lot and grabbed a cart leaving Crystal in my locked car. I made my way into walmart. First ii went to the grocery section. I grabbed a bunch of fruit and vegetables. Then i went to the snack isle and grabbed a bunch of chips and pretzels. I continued shopping and also grabbed Crystals favorite snack. The last thing i grabbed was a bunch of baby clothes, diapers, pacis, and bottles. I went to the checkout line and payed for all my items. I bought so much crap because i knew i wasn't ever coming back...and neither was Crystal.

Crystal's pov

I started to stir. I realized i was in a Walmart parking lot. I tried to open the door and realized it was locked. I tried pulling up the lock thing but realized it was sawed off. I wondered where Ash was. I felt a little dizzy, something wasn't right. At that moment Ash came up to the car with a cart full of stuff. Why did he need all of that? He unloaded all of it into the car and came back into the front seat.  He looked at me and noticed i was awake. He looked almost dissapointed. "Hey you are awake!" he said. "Ya I am, whats going on?" i said concerned. "Nothing I just needed to buy groceries for my mom." He said.  "Okay, maybe you should take me home i don't feel to good." I said. "Have some root beer, you will feel better, it will settle your stomach." He handed me the bottle. I pushed it away. "No thanks that won't help." i said. He set the bottle down and stared at the steering wheel. He sighed very loudly. "Crystal," he said almsot whispering my name pleading. "I didn't want to have to do this." he said. "What do you mean i asked worryingly. I started to get an uneasy feeling in my stomach. "Crystal, do you trust me? I need you to trust me." He smiled giving me a sad smile. "Of course I do." i said. "Good because this is going to be hard to do." He pulled out a cloth and put it over  my nose. I kicked and tried to scream but he shushed me. "Good night baby girl" he said. I fell into darkness for the second time.

Ash's pov (Joey)

That was the hardest thing i have ever had to do. But it had to be done. The mission was on track again. We were almost to our destination. A few hours later we arrived. I got out making sure Crystal was still asleep. I went up to the cabin and unlocked the door.  I went back to the car and started bringing everything inside. I also set up crystals crib and toys. I went back to the car and grabbed Crystal  bringing her inside making sure the cabin was locked. Everything was falling into place. I only needed one more thing for my plan to work.  I took Crystal into her new room and stripped her from clothes. I grabbed a diaper and baby wipes. Then i grabbed a onsie and put it on her. I laid her in her crib and tied her hands to her crib.  I stroked her hair looking at my sweet baby girl. "my precious baby girl." I said. I kissed her forehead and left the room.  I am expecting someone to come soon. I hope no one has noticed Crystal's disappearence.  I'm so close to getting her to understand. I know my baby girl is somewhere in there. I went out to the back to practice my shooting just incase i needed it.  After a few rounds of target practice i went back inside and waited in my babygirls room. 

Crystal's pov

I started to drift back to consciousness. I woke up to a room that gave me horrible flashbacks. I was in baby clothes tied to a crib. The last thing i remembered was Ash putting a cloth over my mouth. I start looking around the room and i see Ash sitting in a rocking chair. He has make up wipes in his hand. He uses them on his face and takes his glasses off. I don't believe what i see. It's...JOEY!  I whispered "J...joey?!?" He looked at me and smiled sickeningly. "Hey baby girl."

Hey guys! So this is the last chapter of this book! Let me know if you want a sequel. If i get 20 comments i will do one. I love you all and thx for reading> Please give me ideas for a sequel! BAI!!!!!!!!!! 

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