Chapter 1: The Stranger

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"Let's get it on, sugar
Let's get it on.."

The lyrics to Marvin Gaye's song echoed through my mind, and I was in a good mood.

It was a cloudy Tuesday morning. Today was the day that I usually go jogging, and I was all ready. I just grabbed my phone, my water bottle, and left my apartment without looking back.

I looked up at the sky, just to see huge dark clouds coming towards me. "Great." I thought, "Let the rain fall on me." I continued walking around our public park, and started setting up my playlist. Sex songs? No. Classical? Not in the mood. I found old pop songs, and began jogging to that. I jogged for what seemed like 8 minutes, and I suddenly felt huge rain drops landing on my hair, and on my lower back. I let out a nasty squeal, and ran under a tree.

"You know, that tree isn't gonna protect you for too long.", I heard a a man say behind me.

"Oh bummer, didnt think of that!", I say. Oh, he was cute! He was thin, and had a sweet face. And oh my, his voice was divine. "I was just trying to find a safe spot, before running all the way home", I let out a soft laugh.

He chuckles. "You live far from here?", he asks.

"Not really probably 20 minutes from here." I tell him. His eyebrow raises up in confusion."In walking distance, at least."

"I thought you meant by car. I was gonna ask how you made it so far on foot." He smiles, showing his perfect set of sparkling white teeth.

"No, on f-foot.", I state. "I mean i could probably walk that distance, but not in this weather."

"I could drive you home if you'd like." He offered. "I'm not doing much anyway." He adds.

"I'd really appreciate that. Thank you." I say. "Which is your car?" I ask.

He points to a small red bicycle in the front of a coffee shop. "There's my ride." He says.
He's joking, right? How am I gonna fit in that? It's a kids bike!

"I-i- don't fit in that.." I whisper.

He chuckles again. "Of course not!" He says, and he pulls out his car keys from his jean pockets. I turn to see the finest car my eyes have ever seen.

"Wow", I say, my mouth open in awe. He mentioned something about "BMW 2015 .. I dunno. Something along those lines, but to me it's just a hot ass car. The doors even open upwards, like "whuuut".

"Hope in", he says. I do so, and I fasten ny seatbelt. I feel as though my seat belt is actually needed today. I mean, I always fasten my seat belt.. Well, sometimes.

"I am impressed", I tell him when he gets settled in. "This is a real cool car."

"Thanks, I guess", he says. "I'm really flattered" he places both hands on his chest, and shoots me a happy face.

"What a charmer..", I think to myself.

He pauses, and looks at me for a while. "What are you thinking about?", he finally asks.

"I'm about to let a good looking stranger with a nice car, take me home." I say. "How do I know if you're not a serial killer? I don't even know your name!"

"Puth. Charles Otto Puth is my name. No, I am not going to throw you in my trunk and later cut you to pieces. Like I said, I'm Charles Puth, not Charles Manson." He calmly says.

"Okay, Charles. That was very convincing." I say.

"Call me Charlie.", and with that he started the engine.


Hey, there :) I'd really appreciate it if you voted for my story. -Rocy

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