About the Author: Mademoiselle Puth

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Hi. I'm trying to sound professional, but I'm not really professional. Whatever.  So What'd you think? I'm sorry it ended so fast. I loved writing it, and got emotional in the ending, but I didn't want to get bored with the plot, and I most certainly did not want to bore you, as my readers. I'll see if I can make a sequel, though. So, keep your eyes peeled. I don't know if you saw what I did there with the last paragraph. If you go back to Chapter 2, Charlie whispered that same thing to her in her dream. That's why it was so special. Awww, I can't believe it's over. 😭 Tell your friends about it! Have a splendid day, and don't forget to check out my Title One Shots, Nine Track Mind one shots, and to tell your Megatron/Puthinator friends about this lovely story. MARLIE ALL THE WAY!!!!! Thank you so much for reading. Goodbye now. :)

Don't Forget To Be Awesome

~Rocy Puth Mars ❤

Marvin Gaye ( A Meghan×Charlie Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz