Chapter 8: "Now, ain't Karma a bitch?"

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The following day, Charlie showed up at my door. It was 9 AM, and the sky was bright. He said he wanted to go walk around with me.

"Why so early?", I asked.

"Because it's a beautiful day. I'd like to spend it with a beautiful lady." He says, looking down, then at me.

I'm not going to lie, my jaw dropped, and I was in my doorway with my mouth open for a while.

"A fly is going to make its way in there and make a nest if you keep your mouth open any longer.", he says.

"Sorry, you took me by surprise", I reply.
A beautiful lady? How ugly was his girlfriend? He literally wants to spend the day with me.

I instantly blush at the thought. I think he likes me.

"Yeah, I'll say the same.", I say, referring to his hot ass. "I'll just get my coat" I add.

"Okay, I'll wait out here."

I close the door on him, and look at him through the little peep hole. He was blushing like crazy. That made me happy.

I got my coat, and stepped outside my apartment. He held out his hand for me to hold, and I did without hesitating. It was very warm, and soft.

"You have soft hands", I tell him.

"I'll have to say the same.", he replies.

"If you don't mind me asking, why didn't you spend this so called beautiful day with Claire?", I ask.

"We got in a fight last night. She said I smelled like another lady, and that started a whole stupid argument. She ended up having me sleep on the couch."

She's so mean. They just started dating, and she's already controlling him.

"That's harsh, Charlie...", I say. Did he like her? Even if she was annoying?

"You love her, Charlie?", I ask.

"Yeah, she can have some good qualities. She's not all bad. We're heading out on a road trip this Saturday. I wanted to know if you wanted to go. With us.", he said.

"Seriously?", I ask. How dare he invite me out with his girlfriend. On a road trip. I'll be stuck in the same car with her. No chance for me to flirt with Charlie. It's torturous.


"I'll have to reject the offer. I don't want to be third wheeling. I don't want to be there to see you make out with a bossy girl.", I say, annoyed.

"Well, you see. I know she's inviting someone else, and she'll leave me all alone. That's why I want you to be there. To give me company."

I thought about it for a moment. I'll get to see Claire, and I'll get to be with Charlie the whole time.

"Fine. I'll go. Wouldn't want you third wheeling!"

"Great! I'll be picking you up at 5 in the morning."

"Wait. Why so early?", I ask surprised.

"I'm kidding, Meghan. Probably at 12:30. Be ready then."

"I'll be sure to have an alarm.", I say, setting up my phone alarm.

"Anyways, do you want to go get some ice cream? We could sit in a bench, and relax.", he offers.

"That sounds great."

When we get the ice cream, we find a nice bench under a tree.

I eat my ice cream quietly, and I look over at Charlie. He was already looking at me, and he looked very concentrated.

Marvin Gaye ( A Meghan×Charlie Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now