Chapter 4: "Your Biggest Fan"

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Ding Ding

The doorbell's melodic sound reached my room, and I flew to the door. It should be Charlie.

As I opened the door, I saw Charlie with his back to me, then he turned around and handed me a dozen roses.

"Oh, Charlie you shouldn't have!", I say trying to hide my blushing face.

"Well, I believe a girl as beautiful as you deserves a dozen roses, and more!", he says, reaching into his pocket, and pulling out a little black box.

Was that a.. Oh no! Is he trying to propose? What is this!?

"What is that?", I ask him.

"I don't know. Open it.", he tells me with a grin on his face.

I do so. My fingers nervously run across the soft black box, then I open it. A pair of diamond earrings sit in the little box. Shining brightly as I shook. This is to much.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Charlie.", I say, beginning to hand him the earrings. "I can't accept this gift."

Charlie steps back a little. "What? You don't like them? I could go change them if you want, and get you a new pair. I'll have it done this afterno--"

"No, no, no, no. It's not that. I just can't accept them.", I say cutting him off. They look costly, and I just can't accept them.

"Is it because they look expensive? You don't have to worry about that. I don't worry about that. It's just me being your biggest fan, and we'll I am working with you. That's like something big, and I'd like to express myself." I bite my lip, and I notice him stare at my lips for the longest. "Please accept them."

With that, I lean closer to him, hug him, and plant a kiss on his left cheek. He looked down, obviously blushing, and I backed away from him.

"Thank you, Charlie. Please come in. Make yourself at home while I put these bad boys in a vase." I sniff the roses as he closes the door. "Oh, they smell fabulous!"

He takes off his shoes, as though he were walking on an 18th century rug sprawled across the floor.

"Are you half Japanese, Charlie?", I say giggling.

"No, why do you say that?", he replies.

"Well, you just took off your shoes. That's so weird." I say.

"Meghan, you said, ' Make yourself at home', and well this is comfortable. You should try it sometime." He pauses for three seconds, then says, "Like now."

I take off my flats, and curtsy.

"There, your majesty."

We both giggle, and in 5 minutes we are both on the couch, and less than a foot away from each other.

"Do you have any ideas?" I ask him, hoping he had at least one.

"I actually do." He says. Then he scratches his neck. "It sounds kinda weird, but I want to sing a sexual-like song.

"Okay, we could do that." I say, remembering the dream I had last night.
"Let's Marvin Gaye, and get it on."

"That's a good start", he says, "Let's Marvin Gaye, and get it on. How'd you come up with that?", he asks.

Tha question took me by surprise. What was I supposed to answer? Oh, you know. I had a sexual dream about you last night, and you passionately whispered it in my ear. Pssh, yeah right!

"It just popped up in my head. I'm glad you liked it." I say.

He closes his eyes for a second, then he sings, "Just like they say it in the song, until the dawn, let's Marvin Gaye and get it on."

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