Chapter 2: The Visit

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His car ran smoothly, and so did his words. He was a fantastic conversation starter.

"How long have you live here in the city?", he asked?

"About 2 years." I reply. "I came hoping I'd find fame and fortune, and well I guess people really liked 'All About That Bass'."

He slowly turned his head to look at me. His mouth widened, and then he's said, "Oh my gosh, Meghan, it's you!"

"Um, yeah. Here I am, i guess" I stated, giggling a bit.

"I'm sorry, I just knew you looked familiar, like I had seen you somewhere.." He went on talking about how he liked my music, and how he liked my voice, and all these other things fans tell me over Twitter.

Yeah. He was a big fan, I guess.

", here I am driving you home, and.." Then, he stops the car. "Am I even going the right way?" He asks.

"Actually, you passed my apartment 5 minutes ago." I say.

"Well, why didn't you tell me? I look like a goof now." He says, blushing.

"I just thought you enjoyed my company, so I let you keep going." I lied. I was looking at him for so long, I had forgotten we were in his car.

He turned the car around, and before we knew it, we were in front of my apartment. He looked like he wanted to say something, but stayed quiet.

"What are you thinking about?", I ask him, using his words.

"Well, you're rich, and you have singles on the Billboard Hot 100 list, so why do you live in an apartment?" He asks, quietly.

I laughed. I really had to laugh. Out of all things, this is what he was thinking about?
"Exactly. I have "cool" songs out right now. I'm simply not ready to settle down yet. However, when I do, I'll buy a house." I say.

"Gotcha", he replies, almost instantly.

It was still pouring rain outside, and I didn't want to see him go just yet. Maybe I could invite him in?

"Would you like to come in? I have hot chocolate." I say, hoping he agrees.

"I don't know." He says, scratching his head. "Wouldn't want to bother."

"Oh, that's nonsense.", I say, softly. He smiles, and sends thousands of angry butterflies into my tummy.

"Alright, I'll join you." He says.

He tells me to wait, gets out of the car, and he helps me out. He then takes off his jacket, and puts it over my head to protect me from the rain. Such a decent young man! I was smiling like a total freak, but he was really sweet. What else could I do?

"Thanks..", I say.

"No problem", he says.

Together we run inside, and into my apartment. I turn to see him staring at ny place, and repeating "wow" everytime he turned his head. I laughed.

"What'd you expect? An air mattress, and thousands of water bottles scattered around the place?", I say. "I know how to keep it tidy."

"I didn't expect the air mattress part", he says. Then, he points to a half empty water bottle on my table. "I thought you knew 'how to keep it tidy'." He says, mocking me.

"Oh, stop it. I barely got that out this morning.", I reply with a smile on my face. "Have a seat, Charlie. The hot chocolate will be done in a jiffy."

"If you say so.", he says heading into my living room. I get two coffee mugs from my cabinet, and serve hot chocolate in both. I see Charlie has already sat down on my couch that sits directly across from the fireplace. I stood on the other side of the counter, examining his face. He had beautiful eyes, and his face looks as though it were carved by angelic hands. His voice is also beautiful. I wonder if he can sing.

He turns his head, and catches me staring right at him. I rapidly turn my head towards the coffee mugs, and act as though I were barely serving the hot chocolate. Damn! He caught me.

I get the mugs, and walk towards him. He grabs his mug, and then waits for me to sit down before he actually takes a sip.

"Mmmm..", he says grabbing his mug with both hands. "This is pretty good."

"Well, I'm glad you liked it.", I say, taking a sip. "Ow!", I shout.

"Are you okay?", he asks, setting his mug down on the coffee table.

"Yes, I just burned myself.", I say. "I forgot it was pretty hot."

"One can't ever be to careful.", he says. He then turns around, and looks at my music player. He walks towards it, and says, "Ooh, I wonder what this does".

"Click the power button, let's see what's playing." I tell him. He turns it on, and walks back to the couch.

We wait 5 seconds, and before you knew it, Marvin Gaye's 'Let's get it On' starts playing through the speakers.

"Miss. Trainor. What a lovely playlist you have there." He says, in a very sarcastic tone. "I like it!"

"So c'mon, c'mon, c'mon,c'mon, c'mon
Stop beatin' 'round the bush
Let's get it on
Let's get it on"

Geez. If I could, I'd name that the most embarrassing moment of my life. Now, he probably thinks I'm some sort of sex addict. Which I'm sure as hell not.

"I like the song, too. Not saying, I like the whole messa- i mean. It has g-good lyri...", i was just rambling on, and he didn't seem to mind. He did something much different. He began singing along to it! His voice was perfect. He sang really well. I had to join him. Before we knew it we were singing our lungs out to the "Sex Theme Song".

When it was over, I looked at him and told him, "You are really talented. You sang that song very well." I was just going on and on about how perfect his voice was.

"Thanks, I guess." He says, scratching his head. "That really means a lot to me."

Then, I tell him, "We should write a song together."


Hello, there. I have no reads just yet. Let's hope that changes by the end of this month, haha. I'm 100% I'm not the only one that ships them... Right?
-Rocy ❤

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