Chapter 2: She's Cooler Than Me

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“It’s a great party, isn’t it?”

Those words did not come to Theo’s ears. A girl with cornish blonde hair waved her hand in front of his face. “Um, Theo? This is particularly for you and Rachel. Your Mike Posner rendition was dope!”

“Thanks Des, but I don’t think Theo’s in the mood right now,” Rachel smirked to Destiny. Destiny leaned her head forward to Theo, moving the glass of drink that blocked him from her. “Talk to me, boy. What’s up?”

“Maybe Theo caught a hot guest at your party when he was singing, and got totally distracted,” a very feminine and fashionable guy suggested, followed by everybody’s laugh. “That totally happened last year, right Des?”

“Abram,” Theo snarled. “And, for the record, no I didn’t.”

“He didn’t, because the girl wasn’t in the party, but she was…”


“She was what?” a guy with a beanie on his hair chimed in. He didn’t look like Theo and the others who were still in their party outfit. The party was over, but Destiny invited her closest friends for some drinks in a nearby café. The guy’s party outfit happened to be a loose black t-shirt that said “Simple Plan”, original and autographed, and ripped jeans.

“She was…” Rachel moved over to Rodd, the punk guy, and told the story. They laughed harder after she finished. “If I’m not mistaken, isn’t this your debut in failing to get some chick’s number on first meeting?” Destiny tapped Theo’s back. “At least that girl is in her senses. Worth keeping.”

If you ever get to see her again,” Abram added. Theo sipped his drink until its last drop and placed the glass down hard, catching everybody’s attention. “News flash? I will,” he said, his eyes glowing with determination. “I have no idea how I’ll do it, but I will.”


Gregoria had just finished fixing her ponytail and flipping the sign on the bakery store to Open when she saw two guys come in. She really hoped they weren’t a couple—because although one was obviously, frontally gay, the other seemed really dreamy. He had dark brown hair that matched his eyes, and although his tall body was not chiseled with gym-built muscles, his posture was just right. She regreted that Seravina had not come down yet. She really wanted that younger cousin of hers to mingle with some people a bit, because after moving to Louisiana, she spent almost every day in her room.

“May I help you?” Gregoria greeted cheerfully.

Bonjour,” the first guy replied as he tidied some of his glossy dark hair. He seemed really well-dressed, even if it was still early in the morning. Ha! Totally gay. She was positive  now.

“Yea—sure,” Gregoria replied, not wanting to show these younger guys her terrible French. “Anyway, the cakes are still freshly baked, you’ve come in the right time,”  she said as the French guy ran through the menu. But the other guy, who was taller, was busy looking around the store. Gregoria wondered what he was looking for, but when his friend elbowed him, he quickly said, “I’ll just have a slice of tiramisu.”

“Strawberry cheesecake for me.”

“Perfect. Will be up in a minute,” Gregoria shifted to the kitchen to inform the cooks about their order.


“Umm, when are we supposed to leave?” Abram made a smiley with the leftover cream on his plate and sighed. “This is getting really boring. It’s your fault, not letting me moistruize first. Now I’m gonna go all cranky and eat you.”

“She gotta be here,” Theo spoke, almost to himself. "Helen's Bakery--this is the right place! I'm sure she works here." As if the skies heard his words, he heard some footsteps coming down the stairs.

“Ria, did you see my headset?”

I finally found you, my missing puzzle piece

I’m complete…

Let’s go all the way tonight

No regrets, just love…

We can dance until we die

You and I, we’ll be young forever…

That voice—that’s her!

“It’s in my room. I took it yesterday—sorry,” Theo heard the older girl who served them before reply. The girl rolled her eyes and ran back upstairs, but before she did, her eyes met Theo’s.

“Uh,” she grunted quietly. She did not show any sign of surprise at all. A few seconds later, she returned downstairs and entered the kitchen with ears plugged with a white headset.

“Now’s your chance, cowboy,” Abram sighed in boredom.

“Be right back,” Theo said triumphantly. After he made sure the older girl who previously served him was gone, he entered the kitchen.


Seravina was busy pounding dough with the loud beat of music in her ears. She did not notice that Theo had sneaked inside, so she nearly jumped when she saw him saying, “I never expected you to be a baker."

Seravina could not hear his words with the music, so she ignored him and continued pounding.This guy was seriously... crazy. Did he really drive to Brusly just to see her again? She would not give him even a tiny speck of hope. Without looking in his direction at all, she hummed to the song in her ears.


Theo was almost hopeless. He could not stand there and watch her bake forever! He would look like a total fool to Abram--and what if the other workers entered the kitchen? The morning was soon ending, and more and more customers entered the store each time. Desperate, he pulled the wires of Seravina's headset, shocking her, as the song shifted from her ears to the whole room.

An upbeat music filled the kitchen.

“Why are you so freaking cold at me?” Theo raised his voice. “I just wanna be friendly. Are you like… Not interested in guys? That’s fine.”

Seravina stared at him so intensely that her beauty started to turn scary. “What the hell are you talking about? You’re the one who’s really suspicious, because you’re having brunch with a—“

“He’s my roommate,” Theo laughed, glad that she actually talked in sentences. So she actually noticed him! “Well, we’re both straight. So what’s up with you?”

“I just…” Seravina stopped pounding, a peculiar feeling filled her green eyes. “I don’t feel comfortable talking to strangers.”

Jackpot! Theo used that chance to offer his hand. “Then let me know you, so we’ll no longer be strangers.”

Crap, she rolled her eyes. It took a while, but she quickly shook that hand. “Seravina,” just before she pulled away, Theo held it stronger, a smile gleamed on his face. “I’m Theodore, but please call me Theo. And… It feels really nice, finally getting to know you.”

Seravina did not bother to reply. She continued pounding the dough as hard as the music beat, hoping that her decision this time was right.

You make me feel like I’m livin’ a teenage dream,

The way you turn me on

I can’t sleep, let’s run away

And don’t ever look back, don’t ever look back

My heart stops when you look at me,

Just one touch, now baby I believe

This is real, so take a chance

And don’t ever look back, don’t ever look back…

The Last RoseΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα