Chapter 12: Reality

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“Good morning, Theodore.”

Theo grunted as the nurse pulled his blanket and greeted him in that flirty voice. He grunted louder when she pulled the curtains of the hospital bedroom, letting the morning sunlight in. “How are you feeling?”

“Much better,” Theo answered shortly. He was sick of this hospital—he was sick of being taken care by this nurse who kept acting kittenish towards him, calling him with his complete first name. “Can I leave now?”

“Actually, yes,” the nurse acted professional for the first time. “But feel free to tell us if you’re still having pains. Now, eat your breakfast.”

“I’d skip,” Theo hopped off his bed and tried to stand. “Ah! Feels good to stretch.”

“Theodore,” the nurse tried again. “Eat up. The patient in the room beside you is also conscious now, so—“

“Seravina?” Theo pulled the porridge bowl from the nurse and ate it fast. “This is great! Wow!”

“Isn’t there anything else you wanna know?” the nurse asked him. Theo frowned—there was something…

“What happened to Anthony?” he asked, after thinking for a while. He remembered that Anthony was still with him before the accident happened. But since then, he did not remember anything else. He could only remember voices—the passers-by that helped them. He wondered who they were referring to when they said… ah, nevermind. He was sure it was all just his imagination.

But the nurse did not answer him. Theo sighed and sat back on his bed, pressing on his temples as he realized that all those voices he heard were true.



“Theo!” Clarissa stood up and hugged him, making Theo blush slightly. “No need for that—I’m fine,” he grinned. “Where are the rest?”

“They’re in school,” William explained. “Gregoria’s inside—with Seravina. You might wanna give them a moment.”

“What? Why?” Theo looked at him. “And anyway—I’m sorry about Anthony. I really… don’t mean for this—“

“It’s okay,” Clarissa held her tears and hugged him again. “At least one of you is alive. It’s more than enough as a consolation for us.”

Theo looked at her wistfully. She was a perfect copy of Seravina, but at that moment, she looked like nothing but fragile porcelain. A week, or more, must have passed since the accident because Seravina‘s parents did not look as hysterical and sorrowful as Theo pictured they would be during the first few days after Anthony’s death. Now, they looked much stronger, but at the same time… helpless.

“But it’s my fault—“ Theo stared at the floor. He screwed up so bad! But then he felt a large hand on his shoulder, followed by William’s stern voice. “Don’t you know that both of you have just saved Vina?”


“I really feel good, Ria! I don’t know what the doctors did,” Seravina smiled widely and breathed. “It feels so nice—no more headaches or suffocations—I…”

“Seravina… I’m glad you’re okay. But I gotta tell you something, and you gotta be a big girl, okay?” Gregoria tidied Seravina’s hair and controlled herself. How was she supposed to tell Seravina that she just had a heart transplant made possible by the death of her brother, just after she could finally see her cousin this fresh and happy?

“What is it?” Seravina stopped smiling. “Ria, don’t scare me.”

“Seravina—some days ago, I called Anthony to tell him you’re sick. He rushed to Louisiana to get to you,” Gregoria held her cousin’s hand. “And he did arrive—Theo picked him up.”

“I know. All of you told me before I went for another treatment,” Seravina sounded confused. Gregoria sighed. “Yes, but… when we told you that, Anthony… he wasn’t there anymore.”

“What are you talking about?”

“He wasn’t there because… Theo’s car had an accident. A truck ran over them—Theo was safe and he’s fine now, but Anthony… He—“

“Ria, stop with all the nonsense, it can’t possibly happen,” Seravina rolled her eyes. “He’s outside, about to give me a surprise, right? He’s always done that—remember when you guys pulled a prank on me and told me he got bitten by a bear when we had a family camp? He’s gonna come in soon, and I’m gonna look like a fool… Anthony? Anthony! Get in here! I’m not that baby girl you can fool anymore, okay? Thony!”

I always needed time on my own,

I never thought I'd, need you there when I cry...

And the days feel like years when I'm alone,

And the bed where you lied is made up on your side...

 “Seravina, stop it! He won’t hear you,” Gregoria cried and hugged her cousin tightly. “He’s not here anymore, okay? He couldn’t make it. He died when the ambulance arrived… And…”

“You’re lying, Ria! You’re lying,” Seravina struggled to escape Gregoria’s arms. “Stop this, okay? He’s alive—I can feel it. He promised me. He promised he’ll get here somehow!”

“Seravina… shh,” Gregoria rubbed Seravina’s back. “It’s painful for me too—but it’s true. We have to face it… We have to. Please, let me speak?”

“Ria…” Seravina said in between her cries. All the bliss that painted her face with a rosy blush was shed away by her drenching tears. “What else do you have to say?”

When you walk away I count the steps that you take

Do you see how much I need you right now?

“You’re healed now,” Gregoria closed her eyes. God, she could not… She could not see Seravina cry even worse than she already did now. Please… “You’re healed because we could finally find a perfect donor… Anthony’s heart—Anthony’s heart is still in a good condition after the accident, and the doctors decided—“

“Stop it!” Seravina cried sheerly and hit her chest many times. “Please tell me you’re lying, Ria. Please…”

When you're gone, the pieces of my heart are missing you…

When you're gone, the face I came to know is missing too…

“Anthony,” Seravina called out to the door, as if that figure was waiting outside the door, listening to her. “I don’t need your heart, okay? I don’t care if I’m gonna be sick for the rest of my life—I don’t need your heart! I need you by my side… To assure me that you’ll always have my back… I only need you, Anthony…”

 Theo watched as Seravina kept crying in Gregoria’s arms. Clarissa was crying on the hospital chair, too, because it was impossible for her not to hear their conversation inside. A lump formed in Theo’s throat and he swallowed it reluctantly. He did not want to see Seravina alive if this was how she would be for the rest of her life… He wanted to see her smile again. He wanted to make her smile again.

When you're gone,

The words I need to hear, to always get me through the day,

And make it okay…

I miss you...

He knew he could.

The Last RoseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora