Chapter 21: Tumbling Walls

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“Ladies and gentlemen, this is the part we’ve all been waiting for!” the host spoke through the microphone. The whole auditorium was silenced with tension. “As you all know, but I’ll still repeat it anyway: there’s only one winner! Yes, only one representative from Louisiana will emerge to next year’s national round in Miami, Florida! Uuh, exciting! Give me a drum roll.”

A drum rolled was heard, and since this competition wasn’t American Idol where they kept people anxious and cold-sweating, the host opened the envelope on his hand and announced, “Congratulations to St. Salvatore!”

“St. Salvatore! St. Salvatore!” The audience cheered, and backstage, the members were jumping. “Destiny—move forward! Don’t be an idiot!”

Blinded by euphoria, Destiny stepped on stage as the head judge handed her the trophy. They shook hands, and the head judge took the host’s microphone,saying, “Give it up for St. Salvatore’s head director, who is also the youngest coach and director among all the other contestants!”

“Woooo! Yeah, Destiny!” Rodd screamed from the backstage, making the audience crack up and laugh. “Winner’s speech! Winner’s speech!”

“I…” For the first time, Destiny looked frail, as if she could faint any minute. She was always used to work behind the scenes that standing up on stage with everybody clapping made her legs shake. “I’m really thankful,” she smiled widely. “This is just such a surprise… I never regret not giving up on my team. Guys, come up here, will you? Yeah!”

With Theo in front, the other members walked on stage. Destiny nodded. “We are all a team here. No leaders, no followers. We face new members—intimidating rivals—tension from the inside… But I know that somehow, we’ll still make it. It’s not because our hands are perfectly made to hold one another. It’s because we struggle to keep our hands together, no matter how hard it is for them to fit…”

“All she means is, thank you everybody,” Theo took over the microphone before Destiny started tearing up and gave the audience a wink that many girls in the audience would die for. He raised the trophy again before walking away from the stage with his friends. “See you next year, Florida!”

They did it. They won.


“Miami, baby!” Dean tapped his drum sticks together. “We’re so going there!”

“Yeah, no more joking around this time, guys,” Destiny got herself back. “And I would like to officially welcome our newest—and best—and only female lead, Seravina.”

“My girl!” Theo coughed as the others cheered for her.

“Welcome to the team, Vina. Thank you so much for being a great addition for us,” Rachel said sweetly. “And please, please… Keep Theo on his feet. We don’t wanna see him messing around again.”

“I will,” Seravina laughed as Theo encircled his arm around her shoulders. She had never felt this much relieved and free in her life. She finally felt like she… belonged there.


David heard the laughters from the closed door quietly. He recognized Seravina’s voice too well. She knew she was inside, laughing, smiling with all her new friends who had actually fixed her. Who had actually made her forget everything about her past—and him.

“I did it.” David was surprised by a tap on his back. Vidia was standing behind him.


“Say sorry? Start all over?" Vidia sighed. “It’s hard, but—I’ve been a really bad person.”

“Deep inside, you’re not. I’m proud of you,” David messed with Vidia’s hair jokingly. Vidia smiled, for once respecting her coach. “You really are?”

“Of course,” David stared at her sincerely. “You’ll never understand the joy of training such an amazing star like you. It makes me feel—important. And worthy, actually.”

“I’m… proud of you too,” Vidia said after much struggling. “You’re actually an awesome coach, so… I bet you’re also an awesome person on the inside. Whatever problems awaiting you inside there… Face it. Though I’m pretty sure it’s about Seravina—you gotta man up about it. I trust you.”

David nodded as Vidia left him alone again in that backstage. Okay, he would go inside. He would apologize for intruding, and he would express his deepest sorries for Seravina. Easy, right?

He placed his hand on the doorknob.



David did not open the door because Gregoria had run to him, almost breathless. She pulled him further from the door and whispered, “You’re really sure about this?”

“I…” something crushed David from the inside. “No…”

Gregoria let David settle himself with his mind for a while. He looked at her, almost begging for help. “If I get in there… I’ll see her cry again. I’m really happy that she’s happy without me… I don’t want to stand seeing her afraid and sad again just because of seeing me.”

“She’s traumatized,” Gregoria said after a long pause. It was not easy for her as well; waking up at two in the morning at that night, when Anthony rang her up--only to reveal that Seravina was broken. And she was not just broken, she was broken by David. The very man she had always loved.

“But I really need to apologize,” David scratched his head in confusion. “I just wish I wasn’t such a jerk!”

“Dave…” Gregoria placed her hand on David’s shoulder.  She sighed, “Maybe walking away is the best apology you can give for her. Let her go. Let her be happy with her new life… I know erasing your guilt means the world to you, but if you really love her as a sister… Won’t you put her happiness above yours?”

"Even if... I'll have to walk away from your life as well? Ria, I won't do that..."

“What?” Gregoria was sure her ears were fooling her.

When the visions around you bring tears to your eyes,

And all that surround you are secrets and lies…

“I’ve spent my whole life being so stupid—chasing after her,” David said. “I should’ve seen the one who had never left me. Who had never judged me when I became such an asshole. Who had always waited for me to come back, and never changed…”

A strange feeling streamed into Gregoria’s heart. She felt David pulling her into a hug that felt much different than the hug they shared in David’s car this afternoon. Slowly, she felt David kissing her hair.

It felt bittersweet.

"I'm so sorry, Ria..."

I’ll give you strength, I’ll give you hope

Keeping your faith when it’s cold…

Making all the walls that had defined their relationship for all these years tumble down, letting all the feelings they had kept for each other flow freely.

The one you should call was standing here all along…

The walls called friendship.


Thanks for reading! I can't believe this is the second to the last chapter of The Last Rose. Thank you for those who have been coping with this story loyally, I can't possibly get inspired to write without your support *kisses*

You heard it right, the story is ending! BUT as I announced before, there WILL be a sequel. I have recently posted a short preview/prologue for the sequel, it's called Plumeria. Please read it and let me know what you think! Updates might be slower since I'm back in school, but a short holiday is coming in a few weeks time so I'll dedicate as much time as I can to writing.

I love you guys!

Also, dedication goes to @transcendent_ for the GregoriaxDavid side banner :D

PS. That's my favorite couple, don't judge! x

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2013 ⏰

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