Chapter 4: New Family

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Dedicated to @bubblegum_megan for helping me choose some of the cast members on your right! x


"Theo," Abram gasped in style, grabbing Theo's arm that was rested on the steering wheel. "Isn't that Seravina?"

Abram was right. As Theo's car approached the crowded front yard of their school, Theo could see that little figure, countlessly bumping into many other students who did not mind her existence. Seravina looked even lovelier in her uniform. Theo's lips curled into a smile. "Take over," he commanded Abram, fast. And like a lunatic, he left his car with Abram still sitting on the front seat, shaking his head.

Love drives people helplessly crazy.

"Seravina!" Seravina's body froze when she felt a hand circling her shoulders. She moved away quickly, but Theo felt that and noted it down in his mind. This girl was just... strange. He acted as if it did not bother him and gave her a big smile. "You should've told me you're enrolling here! I could pick you up anytime."

"No thanks," Seravina smiled.

"Aah, I'll walk you to class. You must feel really lost here."

"W-what? You don't even know if we're gonna be in the same class," Seravina rebuked.

"Your age?"

"I'm sixteen."

"What did you take for languages?"

"Umm, Spanish."

"Darn, I'm taking French so that I can copy Abram's homeworks," Theo said regretfully. "You'll meet Rachel-that nerd in Peridan Luxe, remember?-and her frenemy Rodd there, they're really nice folks. What about sciences?"

"Life sciences," Seravina wondered when Theo would stop talking.

"You can sit next to me," Theo shrugged relaxfully. "I always ask some smart-looking Asian to sit next to me so I can cheat his work, but-I bet you'll be a much bigger help."

"Ah, look who ditched me in the parking lot. I haven't even earned my license yet. Sucker." Seravina turned her head when she heard a soft, high-pitched voice that actually came from a guy. He remembered him as the guy who came to the bakery with Theo. He looked much more-decent, now, with the school uniform, but his hair was combed much neater than Theo's and his skin was literally glowing. Seravina couldn't help but smile.

"Abram, this is Seravina," Theo smiled very sweetly that Abram cringed. Theo led them to the second storey of the school. Everything was fancy, that Seravina felt scared and tiny. She didn't even think her mother will be able to pay for her school after going through the divorce, but St. Salvatore was kind enough to let her in because of her grades. When they reached class, a few other people Seravina did not know approached them.

"Ouch, I think I heard the sound of shattered hearts in the hallway when they see Theo walking with this pretty girl," a blonde girl with serious class shook Seravina's hand. Unlike the stereotypical blondes that Seravina knew on TVs, she looked classy but fierce and smart at the same time. She took a seat behind Theo's chair. "I'm Destiny. Have you found your seat?"

"Not so hard to guess, Des, I bet it's here," a tall skinny guy high-fived Theo. He then grinned at Seravina. "I'm Rodd. Nice to meet you." Seravina felt a bit intimidated by the way his blazer was unbottoned. His shirt was ripped messily and a black t-shirt was showing out. But then she felt Theo tapping her back. "He's not as monstrous as he seems. He's actually the school's guitar god."

"Really?" Seravina said. Theo raised his eyebrows, impressed at how this quiet clam seemed to be livelier every time they talk about music. They had something in common. Nice.

"Rodd isn't," a familiar face joined their conversation. "All he does is make noises and using unlikely parts of his body to strum the guitar. That's freaky."

"Shame on you, Rach, Beethoven is grunting in his grave," Rodd replied, and Rachel gave him a sarcastic smile. Theo shrugged. "They're always like that. Two love birds."

"Shut up!" They screamed in perfect unison before sitting down.

"Good morning everyone, I see some of you have made friends with our newest member today, Miss Harvelle." Without warning, a middle-aged teacher walked in and said. The whole class turned still as Seravina checked her timetable. Maths. She could deal with it. The teacher nodded at her, and Seravina stood in her seat. The whole class applauded, with Theo, easily-assumed, being the loudest.

"Miss Harvelle here just transferred from Raystone Academy in Chicago. She actually had near-perfect grades back there, so please keep it up here," the teacher said. "And if you don't mind, Miss Harvelle, you can always lend a hand to your seatmate. Heads up, Savero! Maybe now you will be motivated enough to pass my class."

Some giggles were heard across the room as Theo forced himself to stop yawning and sit straight. The teacher stopped minding him and talked to the rest of the class, "So today, you guys will work in partners. I will be giving you a seatwork about the chapters we have learned for this whole month. Miss Harvelle, I hope you have, too."

Seravina took a glance at the paper that just landed on her table. Differentiation, integration, finding areas under the curve and volumes of revolution. She got this in her back pocket. "I think I can work with it," she replied politely.

"What the hell is this spaghetti thing doing on my math seatwork?" Theo grumbled. Seravina looked at him. "You seriously don't know the integration sign?"

His silence answered it all, so Seravina took control of the paper and began answering. She didn't even mind teaching Theo a few things, before she found out that Theo had almost zero knowledge on simple algebra.

"I think your plan is working. I regret underestimating you," Destiny whispered to Theo as he leaned backwards to her. "I'm so gonna get an A this year," he said, smiling to himself.

"Hey-what about after class, we..." Destiny lowered her voice to a whisper and Theo nodded in agreement. "That'd be perfect. And believe me, she will not refuse. She so want to spend more time with me."

"You disgusting creep," Destiny laughed.

"It's done," Seravina said softly, tapping Theo's hand. He did not mind to check the paper and submitted it on the teacher's table.

"Hey-can I have a moment with you after school?" Theo said with his best I'm-being-calm-and-not-hoping-at-all mask. "Don't worry, it's not a claustrophobic date or something like that, and the rest of the guys will be joining too."

"Where are we going?" Seravina's green eyes rounded up. Theo left his chair and smiled mysteriously. "I'm telling you; you won't regret it."

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