Chapter 16: Gregoria Speaks

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This chapter is dedicated to @aninsecuremess for the super lovely character banner on the side. Happy reading!


To finally be in love, somewhere I’d never thought I’d be…” Theo and Seravina ended their song together. Rachel cleared her throat behind the keyboard—they sounded great when they first sang. Now, it was nothing but silly, with Vidia and all the Alvarez kids watching. Maybe it was because their performance had DJs and dancers and a jumbo-sized stage, while the St. Salvatore kids had their rehearsal in their stageless music room.

Vidia clapped happily, facing Theo. Destiny stood up and turned to her. “So why isn’t your so-called coach here today?”

Vidia rolled her eyes with her lean arms crossed on her chest. Clearly, she did not like Destiny. She knew Destiny was just as determined as her to win—but there was just something about Destiny that made her… intimidated. Destiny was the type of girl who would not back down without a fight. Vidia collected herself and started talking, “I thought I’ve told you the other day. David’s a big weirdo. Anyway, I’ve always taken care of my team myself. Makes no difference if he’s here.”

“So… what do you think of our performance?” Theo realized this topic would not make Seravina comfortable, so he decided to ask something else.

Wrong move. Now, Vidia felt flattered that Theo was actually asking for her opinion. With a totally different tune and smile, she answered, “Of course you’re a really good singer, Theo. The duet was awesome.”

“Thanks,” Theo mumbled, not surprised that Vidia did not even comment on Seravina’s singing.

“I think we’d make a great duet, too,” Vidia wasn’t finished.

“Uhuh—“ Rodd gave an awkward laugh and decided to save the conversation. “Too bad we’re on different teams, huh? Haha! Well, thanks a lot for your visit, really. We appreciate it.”

Vidia took her bag and headed to the door. She stopped by Theo and smiled, “Hope to see you soon.”


Gregoria stopped wiping the table when she saw Theo’s familiar Civic parking in front of her store. She was even more puzzled when Theo came alone—not with his adorably lovely roommate, or even Seravina.

“Where’s Vina?” Gregoria watched him enter, approaching her.

“Having this insanely unimportant manicure and hair spa that takes the whole evening with the others.” Gregoria knew Abram was included in Theo’s ‘the others’. She smiled slightly. “So what brings you here?”

Theo found an empty table and signalled for Gregoria to sit with him. “We got this whole evening. I need to talk to you about something.”

Gregoria looked surprised. But she was clearly impressed by Theo's serious attitude, that she called for another waiter to take over. Coming back with two glasses of iced tea, she sat in front of Theo. “What’s wrong?”

“When I talked to Anthony before the accident happened… He told me a lot about you guys,” Theo crossed his hands, and Gregoria knew he was really concerned about something. “Which was weird, because when you told me about Seravina’s sickness and childhood, there was one person that you did not mention at all.”

“David?” Gregoria’s deep blue eyes turned away from Theo, as if she was looking back into her childhood.

“You know him, I suppose?”

“I… I really do.”

The stars lean down to kiss you

Yet I lie awake and miss you

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