Chapter 18: Final Touches

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Thank you for all of you who still read up to this point. I hope you enjoy this chapter! I figured out how the bulk of readers only read the prologue and first chapter and it's just sad *sigh* but I guess I have to keep continuing this story.

Happy reading!


“I’m really sorry.”

“Have you lost your head?” Destiny exploded. “What were you thinking when you happily hopped into Vidia’s car? Going on an impromptu date with the competition? Ditching us?!”

“Destiny—I really have nothing to say about it,” Theo felt cornered with all his friends staring at him in his own flat. “First of all, my phone’s dead—there’s the proof,” he pointed at a small table where he was charging his phone. “Second of all, I don’t have any idea about the meeting—“

“You know, I don’t blame you for that,” Destiny cut him off. “As a club leader I totally tolerate that you miss our meeting. But as a best friend? I can’t understand how you leave us—and this girl right here—to go with the devil.”

Destiny pointed at Seravina, who was quietly standing behind all her friends, not saying a word. She had the least angry face among them all. In fact, she looked pale and broken. “If you forget, she happens to be your girlfriend,” Destiny walked away. “There’s no way I’m working together with a traitor asshole like that.”

“Destiny, you can’t just say that before our big show!” Theo tried, but none of his friends seemed interested to help him. Abram left and entered the bathroom, and soon after that, they heard him shower while whistling. Nobody said anything and they started leaving Theo’s flat one by one.

“Seravina, listen,” Theo held Seravina’s arm as she was the last to leave. Seravina collected herself to look into Theo’s eyes. “Forget about it,” Seravina said flatly. “You know what? When everyone started talking about how much of a player—a womanizer you were before… I felt… special. And proud. That out of all those girls… you actually stayed with me. I must be really special to be able to change you…”

“You are,” Theo pleaded. “You’re still that much special to me—“

“Now I feel like nothing but trash,” Seravina did not seem to listen to any of Theo’s words. “See you.”


Say you’re sorry

That face of an angel comes out

Just when you need it to…

As I paced back and forth all this time

‘Cause I honestly believed in you…

Holding on, the days went on

Stupid girl, I should’ve known, I should’ve known…

“You’re really mean, Vidia.”

“What?” Vidia smiled innocently, combing her hair with her fingers. “I’ve never felt so proud in my life. Shouldn’t you be thanking me or something? I get my dream boy—well, not yet, but I’m sure his girlfriend will dump him soon—and their team will surely suck in the competition! They’re practically best friends! A bunch of childish best friends that let personal problems interfere their professionality—“

“But they’ll still be there on the day, right?” David asked carefully. Vidia stared at her coach, annoyed. Why was it so hard to excite him? “Well, maybe, but we will surely win. Seriously, Dave, don’t you feel happy?”

“I just feel bad for Seravina,” David quietly said. This was not why he came here. He just wanted to see her again. To ask for her apology. And not mess with her feelings again…

I’m not a princess… This ain’t a fairytale

I’m not the one you’ll sweep off your feet

Lead her up the stairwell

This ain’t Hollywood, this is a small town

I was a dreamer before you came and let me down…

“Don’t worry, maybe she’ll still be there,” Vidia could not help but come to her senses when she saw the pain that was written all over David’s face. For a second there, she thought she had helped him—and the team. “I’m… really sorry if I crossed the line.”

“Doesn’t matter. We’ll still be great and I’ll still be there this Saturday,” David said. He must not run away again. He needed to tell her how sorry he was for everything…

And it’s too late for you and your white horse—

To come around…


“Rachel? Rodd?” Theo should have been excited when he saw the two hopping off Rodd’s car and entering his flat together. But then, he realized that he could not even gossip about that with Destiny anymore. Not even Abram. They did not look as angry as they did the other night.

“Where’s Abram?” Rodd asked.

“You know him. If he’s mad, he’ll spend as little time with me as possible,” Theo shrugged. Rachel looked at him. “I hope you’ve realized how much of a mess you’ve been. Nevertheless—we don’t want this to affect the team.”

“Since Destiny was sulking too much to take control, we figure out, why not us?” Rodd said cheerfully, making Theo proud of them even more. They were real professionals, real musicians. “Come on, we have to prepare a brand new solo. For you.”

“Solo?” Theo said as he followed them into Rodd’s car. Rodd started the engine and started driving to Rachel’s house, where they planned to practice.

“What do you expect? You don’t deserve even a tiny chance to sing with the girl of your dreams now.”

That was real honest and deep. Rachel stared at him. “I hope your silence means you’re thinking of a good song for us to nail.”

Theo nodded. “I already have one in my head.”

As they drove, Theo reached his phone and started texting. If he would be this busy, he could not handle another important business for that big day—

Ria, sorry about everything (Vina must’ve told you about it, right?) I’m on my way to fix everything for our competition. That’s why I’ve totally forgotten that David would surely appear on the big day, even if he does not want to. He’s Alvarez’s coach anyway. Can I count on you?

A few minutes later, his phone vibrated in his hand and Gregoria replied.

I might hate you so bad for making Vina cry, but I’d do anything to stop her from crying even more. Good luck with the competition. I’ll be in the audience on the d-day. Don’t worry, I’ll keep an eye on David so he won’t come any closer to Vina. Take care!

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