Chapter 15: The Coach

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“What’s everybody doing?” Seravina looked around the music room. Nobody was sitting on the floor with spread legs, or testing the musical instruments, or singing out loud. They were all standing with their bags ready. Destiny grinned. “Since you’re officially back here, we gotta celebrate, right?”

“I bet we have a lot of things to celebrate,” Rodd gave a mischiveous smirk at Seravina and Theo. Theo laughed uneasily. “Seriously—“

“Come on, Theo! Before this, we’d hate you for dating a girl for the nth time, but this time, you’re finally in the right mind! Everybody say hurrah!” Dean gave him a high-five excitedly. Seravina blushed and hid behind Abram. Switching the conversation direction, she asked, “Where are we going anyway?”

“I would say spying, but Destiny protested and convinced us it’s just a visit to one of our rivals for the competition,” Abram replied. “This time our host is Alvarez Academy. Ever heard of that?”

“Sure I have,” Seravina knew how famous that school was alongside St. Salvatore.

“Just a group of rich, spoiled brats that know nothing about true music,” Destiny snapped. “They used to be this most exclusive, secretive school in Louisiana, who appears in every year’s gig with a superb performance and shocks the hell out of everybody. I have no idea why they suddenly allow visitors. Anyhoo—let’s go! Half of you go to Theo’s car and half of you with Rodd’s.”


Unlike St. Salvatore, which was built in the style of a Renaissance castle and was very conservative and classic when it came to uniforms and facilities, Alvarez Academy was the exact opposite. Students were allowed to wear free outfit everyday, so the St. Salvatore kids immediately felt like dweebs when they stepped inside the modern building with their uniforms. They were greeted by Alvarez’s lead singer, a fair-skinned girl with long hair that looked obviously dyed in dark red.

“Guys! Welcome,” she gave a wide smile to Destiny and the rest. Destiny knew she would not, in any world, like this girl. Her moss green eyes particularly stopped at Theo, for no reason. She did not look bothered at the way Theo’s arm was encircling Seravina’s shoulders. “I’m Vidia. Our practice is gonna start in our auditorium soon—follow me.”

“I already know where she has her eyes on,” Abram whispered to Rachel as they walked, and they giggled. Meanwhile, Vidia had led them to an auditorium that looked ten times the size of St. Salvatore’s. They felt like they were in a cinema, with seats wrapped in smooth red cloths and a giant black stage with spotlights on top.

“Front seats please, you’re our only guests,” Vidia politely told them. She did not lose herself for one second and the St. Salvatore kids knew she was totally confident. “Please bear with us while we get ready.” Her voice sounded clear, indicating the perfect sound system in that auditorium.

“So… Not bad, right?” Rodd was the only member who seemed relaxed. He laughed. “Seriously, Rachel, stop pouting! We haven’t even heard them sing yet.”

“Rodd’s right,” Destiny crossed her arms and sat stiffly.


“So how are they?”

“Nothing but a small, sloppy music club,” Vidia faced the mirror in the backstage room and put an extra rosy blush to her cheeks. She made her eyes stand out with more eyeliner while explaining to the man standing behind her, “I really think we got this, David. So let’s see—their leader is Destiny Hills. Scary lioness, I should say. Their music directors are Rachel and Rodd. A weird combination, if you look at them. Anyway, David, can I perform Ke$ha's song for them? Die Young?"

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