Ch. 3

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My mom, Ben and I stayed up for a little longer watching movies and talking. This is the parts of the week that we all love. The times we can actually be a family.

"This movie reminds me of Reagan." Ben says with a smile on his face which i knew was just cover up the sadness.

Everything was going great up until two years ago when my older sister  (Reagan) died of cancer. My parents did everything they could to try to help her survive. Unfortunately it didn't work and her body shut down. She was only sixteen. Reagan would try and teach me girly things, but i was never into the really girly hair, clothes, makeup like she was. She was so beautiful! Even with out her hair; beautiful. She had a boyfriend of a year that helped her and stuck by her through everything. He loved her just as much as Ben and i did.

My parents didnt know how to cope. My mom became a work aholic and we barely saw her. My dad ended up going to alcohol to relieve the pain that he knew that would never go away.

"It does for me too." I say and rub his shoulder.

She loved Disney movies. We were watching Lion King. Which was her favorite movie of all time. We would watch it together all the time. It was her thing. Now its just our thing.

"Ben, it time for you to be getting to bed." Mom said and pushed him up to stand.

"Just a little longer?" He whined giving her a puppy dog face.

"No." She said sternly, but not mean. "You have school."

He huffed and walked into the bathroom where we could now here the faucet running with water. Meaning he was about to brush his teeth.

"I love you Lea." My mom said.

"I love you more." I said and snuggled into her side where she held me.

"Not possible!" She exclaimed and turned off the TV.

"Okay fine." I laughed. "Im going to bed. Goodnight mom."

"Goodnight sweetheart. Sweet dreams." She said as i began to walk away.

I quickly said goodnight to Ben before going to my room. I got ready for bed and before i knew it i was out.

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