Chapter 4

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I’m surprised to say, it actually wasn’t that bad. It actually helped having them talk one after the other. I was able to pick up on some different little things in their voices and how they talked that would help me tell them apart better when they weren’t together.

But there were a few times when Chance’s smirk found its way into Jesse’s voice and when Jesse’s softer tone would occasionally pop up in Chance’s voice. So, when I started to get confused, I just remembered that the voice closer to me was Jesse, and the one closer to Jenna was Chance. I think I managed to get through the night without any real problems, and I even managed to have a little fun.

Oh, and I was pretty sure Jesse actually didn’t know about me being blind. But it did seem odd that Chance wouldn’t tell him. Was he up to something?

“Well goodnight ladies,” Jesse said, I think. “It’s been a wonderful evening.” Oh yeah, that was Jesse. The way he spoke was just so gentlemanly most of the time.

Whereas Chance . . . “Yeah, it was awesome. Check ya later sweet thang.” Sounded like a bad teen movie.

Someone suddenly took my hand and I nearly jumped out of my skin, luckily I caught myself and only jumped a little. Think he still noticed?

“See you at school,” Jesse said, Chance’s smirk in his voice. His cool hand lifted mine to his lips and he actually kissed it. He kissed my hand! I didn’t know people even still did that.

“Uh, yeah,” I said, smiling.

“See ya,” Chance called as he and Jesse left.

“EEEEEEE!” Jenna squealed, grabbing my shoulders and jumping up and down. “That was awesome!”

Jenna would not shut up the whole ride home. Seriously! Did she not realize I was there the whole time? There was no need to repeat everything they said and did. Was there. Heard it. Got it.

“And then Jesse said, ‘it’s been a wonderful evening,’” Jenna repeated as we walked through the front door.

“I’m blind Jenna, not deaf. I heard!”

“But then he kissed your hand!!”

I nodded, laughing. “Yeah, I was there, I know!”

“Some guy kissed your hand?” Jack asked, making me jump. Apparently he had been sitting quietly in the living room. The one thing I actually didn’t know, Jenna decided not to tell me. How nice of her.

I blushed a little. “Uh, yeah.”

“And it was so sweet!” Jenna squealed.

The chair creaked as Jack stood up. “That is so cheesy. What, is this guy from the fifties or something? Who does that?”

I heard him walking into the kitchen and turned to face him, putting my hands on my hips. “It was very sweet and gentlemanly. Maybe if you did more things like that, you’d actually have a girlfriend.”

“Oh no,” Jenna said, her voice coming from the counter that divided the kitchen and living room. I’m sure she was leaning over it and staring dreamy eyed at Jack. Gag. “He’s perfect just the way he is.”

“Thank you Jenna,” he said in that ha-I-won voice. “Even if you are out of your mind.” I grinned, holding back a laugh.

“What do you mean?” she asked in a pouty voice.

Jack walked back into the living room, heading for his room down the hall. “Sorry Jen, but I don’t date my sister’s little friends.”

I couldn’t hold it in anymore, I died laughing.

Plunged into Darkness (blind human/vampire)Where stories live. Discover now