Chapter 19

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I’d been in their house for a little over an hour now and they’d already given me the grand tour of the house . . . twice. Apparently they really wanted to make sure I knew where everything was since I couldn’t actually see it.

It was definitely a little unsettling being stuck in a strange house and I kept bumping into the furniture, though I thought I hid it pretty well.

“Maybe we should give you another tour,” Chance said, standing a few feet away, “since you still can’t walk through a room without falling over something.” There was a smirk in his voice as he tried not to laugh.

Apparently I’m not as good an actress as I thought. “No, I’m fine,” I told them, pulling away as Jesse started to take my arm, “If you two keep treating me like a child, I’m going to leave.”

In an instant, one of them was right in front of me. I jumped, letting out a small yelp of surprise.

“This is the safest place for you,” Chance said somewhat darkly from just in front of me. “So no matter what you think, you’re not going anywhere.”

My heart rate picked up as I started to feel trapped. What had I gotten myself into? Agreeing to come back to this strange house with these inhuman things. What if they never let me go!?

“Chance,” Jesse growled as he walked up behind me and lightly wrapped his arms around me. “You’re safe here,” he whispered, “I promise. You’re not a prisoner here either. What Chance had meant to say was we strongly advise you to stay here, but of course it is up to you.”

Chance growled as he walked away and I heard the clink of glasses as he poured some kind of drink. “If that’s what I meant to say, I would have said it.”

Jesse growled again and I slipped out of his arms, walking through the sitting room with a hand out to the side, a little in front of me, then leaned back on one of the chairs.

“Stop scaring her,” Jesse whispered to Chance, now standing with him across the room. His voice was so quiet that I had to hold my breath to hear it all. Humans could never talk that softly, but then again, they were far from human. I’m sure they had no clue I could hear them, and if it wasn’t for my acute hearing I wouldn’t of been able to. 

“Just being honest,” Chance growled back in a very hushed tone.

“I swear, if you don’t-“ Jesse started, but Chance cut him off.

“She’s not your girl,” Chance growled quietly, “so stop acting like she is.” If I didn’t know any better, I’d say there was a hint of jealousy in his voice. But then again, it was hard enough to hear the words, let alone the tone they were in.

“Guys,” I said quickly, hoping to stop the hushed fight, “I-“

I froze mid-sentence as a dull ache started in my head. It was similar to the one I’d been getting use to lately, the one that signaled one of those stupid flashes, but this one was deeper. I closed my eyes tight and felt my legs grow weak.

The sight before me was more like my dreams than the visions I’d had before during the day. For one, I was seeing it from my own eyes, not from some random place in the room, and even though it was happening in this house, it wasn’t happening in this room. Whatever was happening was obviously happening farther in the future.

I blinked a few times, trying to see better and find out why my in-vision self was feeling so nervous. Just as I made out the figure in front of me, he leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine. I sat there for a moment, surprised then kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck and running a hand over his black hair.

Plunged into Darkness (blind human/vampire)Where stories live. Discover now