Chapter 20

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“We lived in a small, country town,” Chance started, leaning his chin on the top of my head. “The middle of nowhere really, but there were several houses clumped together, less than a mile apart, and we always joked that it was our own little village.”

“Sounds peaceful,” I said with a smile, imagining it.

He laughed once, humorlessly. “It was, until our precious father showed up.” Something told me he was talking about the vampire father, not the human one.

“They came just after sunset, murdering everyone in our area. They went house by house, bleeding everyone dry; women, children, it didn’t matter,” he growled with disgust. “He and his friends weren’t even that thirsty, they were just bored.”

His body jerked slightly then glass shatter against the far wall. I jumped and let out a small yelp, surprised and a little scared.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered, pulling me into his lap. He must have thrown his glass because both his arms were around me now and neither one had a drink.

“It’s okay,” I said quietly, my voice shaking slightly. “Just the quick movements and throwing things takes me by surprise.”

“Right,” he said softly, putting a hand on the side of my face.

I swallowed hard then turned my head to the side. “What happened next?”

“My brother and I heard the screams. We grabbed father’s guns and hurried down the street to our closest neighbor’s house. They were a young couple with a 2 year old boy and a newborn daughter.” I could feel him shake his head slightly. “They were butchered, blood everywhere. How could someone do that to such young, innocent beings?”

I leaned back on him. “They were just evil.”

“They were just vampires,” he said darkly, leaning his head closer to my neck. I swallowed hard then felt his chest rumble as he growled. “But they were monsters if I’d ever seen any.”

He leaned his head back a little, just a little. “We heard a scream across the street at our good friend’s house and raced over. Their parents were in pieces in the living room, our friend dead and bleeding in the hallway.

“We heard her scream and raced up the stairs, but we weren’t quick enough. When we got there, he was already holding her, his fangs inches from her neck.”

Chance growled again, holding me closer. “She was my first love and I’d just gotten her parents to agree to let us date. I swore to them that I’d look out for her, and here she was, inches from death. I lifted the gun and pointed it at the man, but he just laughed.”

I felt him shiver at the memory. “He asked, ‘are you willing to chance it boy?’ but I figured that if I didn’t do anything, she was dead anyway, so I pulled the trigger.”

I gasped. “And you missed?”

“No, I hit him. In the shoulder. He growled and bit into her neck. Jesse was frozen in his place, scared, but I wasn’t. I ran at the man but moments before I got to him, he snapped her neck like a twig and dropped her. Regardless, I still tackled him.

“He pushed me off easily and stood up, holding me up by the neck. That’s when Jesse snapped out of it and started yelling for him to let me go. He just smirked then threw me out the second story window.”

“What!?” I yelled, “How did you survive that!?”

He laughed once. “That’s what he was wondering when he saw me later.” I felt him shrug behind me. “I rolled down the roof a little ways, caught onto the end and slowed myself down a little before I fell to the ground. Other than a few bruises and a bump on the head, I think I was alright.

Plunged into Darkness (blind human/vampire)Where stories live. Discover now