The Begining

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(Y/N) POV:
   Why why why does this always happen to me? I just want to kill this darn Wendigo! Not the other way around! Is that so hard to ask? Apparently! I miss home, I miss mom and dad. But unfortunately it's too late for them. Now I had that same Wendigo that killed my parents in my sight! The Makkapiccu! At least, I think that's how you say it.
   He/she was the biggest of the Wendigos. And could crush them all if it wanted to. It was so grotesque! It made me want to puke! Or kill it with the katana I always carried with me for protection. But I know that won't be enough because of how hard the Wendigo's skin is. If only I had that flamethrower that my dad always had! But he went down with it. And I remembered it all too well.
Now I was at the edge of a giant cliff! It looked to be the one that Hannah and Beth fell off of a little over a year ago!
   I knew about their deaths because with Wendigo hunters, everything spreads quickly. We're set up all over the world where Wendigos may be, but information spreads like wildfire in our network connections!
   I swore out loud as the Makkapiccu stalked towards me. I knew I would have to die, or take my chances with the cliff. Hey, I might survive like Hannah! But I hope not in the way that she did.
The Makkapiccu was right in front of me, waiting. If this was an old Makkapiccu it would've already killed me. But only three days ago, the old Makkapiccu, Hannah, was killed by her friends in a house fire. Now the next in line was ready for its first kill! I had to make a split second decision, jump, or face the Wendigo? The Makkapiccu jumped, and so did I!

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